Support Tickets - CMS 1.5.1 - Tags

CMS 1.5.1 - Tags

CMS 07.12.2015 2603 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes bluesatkv

Hi Jerome,

I can't translate word 'Tags' in '$PAGE_TITLE' in this page


In this page work all perfect


In tags.php in root of CMS is

// Post the page title
                $PAGE_TITLE = strtoupper($page1).' - '.$jkv["tagtitle"];
                $PAGE_CONTENT = $jkv["tagdesc"];

After translate all words 'Tags' in '*.ini' files is in MySQL table 'prefix_settings' still

tagtitle = Tags

Replies (2)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a support ticket.

    Please translate the category tags in your admin panel.

    07.12.2015 0
  • avatar bluesatkv

    Sorry, stupid question from me. laughing


    07.12.2015 0