Support Tickets - Plugin soporte del cms

Plugin soporte del cms

CMS 06.03.2017 2477 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes yulkar

Tengo dos dudas sobre este plugin que no veo por la ayuda en ningus sitio.

La primera es como el administrador contesta a un ticket abierto ya que no hay cja para tal efecto (tan solo permite modificar el ticket en el misma caja de texto)

la segunda es que por lo que veo al contrario que la solucion de helpdesk que tienen esta no es multiusuario en el sentido que no se pueden crar diferentes clientes y por ello todos ven los tickets de todos salvo que marquen privado verdad??


Replies (10)

  • avatar Jerome

    Is this a pre sales questions or a support questions? We do not have any record that you have a CMS license with support access.

    Thank you very much for clarification.

    06.03.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar


    Pero gracias por nada de todos modos

    07.03.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    en cualquiuer caso ya sea soporte, preventa o bug siempre constesta tu

    07.03.2017 0
    • avatar Jerome

      In future Maria will answer your questions. Thank you.

      07.03.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Why this reaction? You can just answer this is a pre sales questions and I help you out as always.

    The support ticket plugin is like a forum, but clients can mark the ticket as private and therefore only the client and ticket operators can see the content.

    You can set various moderators (operators) that will have access to tickets. Tickets can be edited, deleted and quoted. You can setup user groups with access to tickets and so on...

    Have a great day.

    07.03.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    gracias por la respuesta...

    Pero mi pregunta tenia dos partes que no se si se trata de un fallo 

    La primera es como el administrador de un documento abierto y que no hay ningún efecto cja para tal efecto (tan sólo para modificar el ticket en la misma caja de texto)

    Si no se trata de un bug no me digan el camino a seguir si no quieren y ya lo busco.... pero creo que se trata de un error

    07.03.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    y por ultimo---

    Tienen algún apartado donde explicar como aplicar la api para compartir usuarios entre el el sitema de soporte y el cms?

    lo he buscado por la web pero no lo encuentro

    07.03.2017 0
  • avatar Maria

    Good Morning,

    I'm Maria, I will answer your tickets from now on.

    Please switch back to English as I don't speak Spanish and the Google translation service is not always helpful.

    If I understand you correctly you have two options to edit the ticket. Quick edit or normal edit. Quick edit will only allow to edit the title and the message, normal editing will give you all options the ticket system has.

    Thank you very much.

    07.03.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    It will be complicated to understand because I do not speak English ... what I mean is that when you use the cms plugin "support" and open a ticket from the administration panel of the cms in the area tickets tickets (logico) but There is no option to answer that ticket ... Only the option to edit the same text box in which the ticket is. If you tell me how to attach an image I show you.

    I do not know if it's a bug or an error

    07.03.2017 0
  • avatar Maria

    I think I understand now.

    To answer a ticket as a client or moderator (operator) you will need to do that at the front end and not in the administration panel. Actually you as a moderator/admin (operator) will use the system the same way as the client.

    To connect HelpDesk with CMS you will need a good understanding in PHP. The API for HelpDesk will help you but you will need to implement the provided API code where the user respond is in CMS.!/api

    07.03.2017 0