Support Tickets - Chat Window shows error From email address has extra text

Chat Window shows error From email address has extra text

Live Chat 3 17.02.2017 2489 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes tpilant

Did my first install 

Went through settings and setup smtp server as well.

Embed code on 2 sites get following error in chat widget "The requested URL /start/1/en was not found on this server."

Maybe something I need to set up? not sure.

Also why do I get this as the from mail address eithe using Mail()/SMTP

webmaster@imunlmtd.comUsing PHPMailer 5.2.22 (

Replies (10)

  • avatar Jerome

    You are using the mod rewrite modus but probably forgot to add the htaccess file to the root and to the operator folder.


    17.02.2017 0
  • avatar tpilant

    Thank you I jad actually set that to 1 when I installed. Set back to zero all is well.

    Did you have an answer on the email why this is trailing the from email address "Using PHPMailer 5.2.22 ("

    Also any resources on configuring,setup and use of software?

    17.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Sure we have a lot of FAQ articles adding more weekly.

    When did you receive this message? Debug Mode is turned off by standard and therefore you should not receive it.

    17.02.2017 0
  • avatar tpilant

    I get this on all my emails it trails the from email address. 

    20.02.2017 0
  • avatar tpilant

    I use mailgun for email it helps keep mail out of spam folders, but with this trialing the from email address, the emails are being flagged as spam.

    20.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Does that happen when you use PHP Mail() as well?

    20.02.2017 0
  • avatar tpilant


    20.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please open the class/class.phpmailer.php and find:

    public $XMailer = '';

    replace with:

    public $XMailer = ' ';

    Added just a blank space between, does that work?

    20.02.2017 0
  • avatar tpilant

    Great that corrected it


    Terry Pilant

    20.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for the feedback.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    20.02.2017 0