Support Tickets - ticket imap

ticket imap

HelpDesk 09.02.2017 2782 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes yulkar

Because when upgrading to version 2.0 the tickets are no longer opened by imap?

Replies (48)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a support ticket with us. Please note that your account has no access to support only to bug reports.

    We have tested the latest email.php file (which handles the IMAP connection and fetch emails) and it did work without an issue.

    In case you have updated to Helpdesk 2 via the Auto Updater you might need to reset the file permission for your email.php file wrong configured web server sometimes change permissions when running the Auto Updater. Make sure the file has 644 in some cases you will need to go higher depending on your control panel and php user permissions.

    In case you need further support, please purchase support access here:

    Have a great day.

    09.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    If I contract your support I would leave it working properly?

    09.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Did you try to reset user and file permission? Best to use a proper ftp client like filezilla.

    The cron job is running normally?

    09.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    I've put 777 and cron does not return errors

    09.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You can also try to run it from the browser like please note only new emails will be pulled in.

    Check also your settings to allow tickets, we can't give you any more help under your account status.

    I have just run another test on a fresh installation and did not have any issues to fetch emails and convert them into tickets.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    09.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    I already bought the support. Paid by paypal with transaction number Id. : 9X1053568U783083D

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you very much for your purchase. Your account ha now access.

    Can you please answer my questions above.

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    I have deployed the product in I put a redirect to the subdomain but when doing some things it gave 404 so it changes the route. I have several questions: When from the customer area of ​​discharge a ticket should not arrive the customer xxx has created, answered or closed a ticket, instead of answered

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    One by one.

    PHP Imap is now working?

    Please make sure there is an email in the inbox which is unread/new, only unread emails will be pulled in.

    When you redirect to another site, please make sure your full site domain in your include/db.php file is set correctly. It should state the new URL.

    I do not understand your sentence: When from the customer area of ​​discharge a ticket should not arrive the customer xxx has created, answered or closed a ticket, instead of answered

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    do you speak Spanish?

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Yes, I do.

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    A ver...

    He desplegado de nuevo el producto.

    El primer paso sería modificar el departamento que esta creado por defecto verdad?? solo deja modificarlo no borrarlo

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    las carpetas htacces y update hay que subirlas??

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That is correct, yes. The first you can only change and not delete.

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    More information about the rewrite url option can be found here:

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    porque cuando pongo una imagen en los textos de Textos de FrontEnd - Emails si quiero que aparezca tengo que poner la ruta absoluta??

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    An email needs the full URL otherwise the image cannot be loaded in a email account.

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    Se puede agregar el formulario de loogin directamente en la pagina de entrada?

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That is not possible at this moment. You can set a link to the login form. For that you will need to change the front text:

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    He puesto en la pagina de inicio el codigo

    <form class="form-signin" id="jaklogin" method="post" role="form" action="/soporte/index.php?p=home&amp;sp=login">
    <h2 class="form-signin-heading">Inicio de sesión</h2>

    <input type="text" name="email" id="email" class="form-control" placeholder="E-Mail">
    <input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Contraseña">
    <div class="checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" name="lcookies"> Recordarme </label>
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="login">
    <button type="submit" name="logID" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block">Ingresar</button>

    y funciona correctamente el looging... puede afectar en algo al funcionamiento?

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    funciona pero lo malo es que siempre que se da al boton de inicio vuelve al formulario de entrada... estaría bien para otras versiones que se pueda poner en la pagina de entrada

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    el estado solo pueder cerrado?

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    se supone que si tengo el cliente con email y envia un email a que el email que he configurado en la pestaña configuración>configuración que a su vez he configurado la cuenta en php imap setup y conecta correctamente y el correo llega al web mail.

    Ejecuto por pantalla no devuelve nada pero en el cron funciona correctamente.

    Pues el ticket no se crea

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    If I understand you correctly you have setup a client, the client is active.

    The client has email address A, you are now sending an email to the support email address B which is setup as an PHP IMAP account. This email address B is only used for PHP IMAP?! When the email is in the INBOX, important not read marked as new and you run the email.php file no ticket is created?

    10.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    no.. no se crea....

    no podeis conectaros a mi panel de control y ver si esta bien configurado?

    Lo digo porque sinceramente.... hasta ahora no me habeis resuelto nada aunque he pagado por el soporte y desde mi punto de vista esto no es soporte... mas bien es intercambio de correos sin soluciones

    11.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I answer your questions within minutes, but you have to ask the right questions.

    Please send me full access to your operator panel, php imap email inbox via following form:

    Have a great weekend.

    11.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for the information.

    In the PHP imap settings for the folder to scan you had:


    it should be


    You cannot use the same email address for your settings and for the PHP imap, the support email address should only be used for support and nothing else. Also no other email client should call the PHP imap inbox otherwise your email won't be fetched. I sent a test email to your email address: and it got read straight away, only unread/new messages will be pulled in. Please use a email address only for PHP imap, for nothing else.

    11.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    ok.. esto ya está solucionado si bien solo funciona con uno de los que he creado

    Hay alguna manera de incluir algún campo extra??? como el estado abierto, en proceso..... y que tipo de ticket es incidencia o peticion

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    no teneis pensado que cuando un ticket ya este creado se le pueda cambiar la prioridad?

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    El asunto de los correos donde se cambia?? no el texto que eso ya lo se....

    lo digo porque cuando se crea un ticket llega:

    nueva solicitud - texto y quisera saber si ahí se puede poner algo mas como que cliente ha rellenado el ticket... hay acepta las variables que van en los correos?


    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    You can add or change the ticket status in your operator panel, more information here:

    You can change the ticket status (when you have some, see above) under Operator Panel - Tickets - Tickets, click on the settings symbole next to the title.

    The subject of the ticket cannot be changed at this point. We will include this feature within the next release.

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    Si.... ya cree 4 prioridades diferentes pero solo deja aplicarlas al crear el ticket luego ya no hay opccion de cambiarla

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Cambias aquí:

    helpdesk change status

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    Ya... imagino que ahi pero a mi solo me aparecen las ocpciones de open whait for reply y close

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Make sure the the priorities have been created in the correct web project or all and the correct language.

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    Buenas tardes...

    Los id de los tickets solo pueden ser numericos? o se puede forzar para que sigan una secuencia?

    En el caso de que solo puedan ser numericos se puede indicar en que numero quiero que empiecen?

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    The number cannot be changed and is fix by the database design.

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    Hola de nuevo...

    Parece que todo va funcionando pero tengo un problema...

    He creado 3 perfiles imap en dos hosting diferentes ( y

    Los dos al hacer la prueba de conexión funcionan correctamente pero en la practica solo se abren los tickets que llegan a los perfiles imap de

    Sabes que puede ser debido?

    Muchas gracias

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Are you sure it is: Imbox?

    Make sure you are calling the correct folder and usually by standard that is always: INBOX.

    All capitol letters.

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    otra cosa más

    cuando abro un ticket por email y uso acentos llegan así:

    descripcion del ticket en lugar de descripcción del ticket

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Your server and database is configured to use utf-8?

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar
    • Servidor: rdbms via TCP/IP
    • Tipo de servidor: MySQL
    • Versión del servidor: 5.6.35-log - Source distribution
    • Versión del protocolo: 10
    • Usuario:
    • Conjunto de caracteres del servidor: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please open the email.php file and find:

    $subject = utf8_decode(filter_var($v['subject'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));

    replace with:

    $subject = filter_var($v['subject'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

    and try again.

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    ahora el sunto ya llega bien.... pero tendre que cambiar tambien algo del cuerpo del mensaje verdad??

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    For the message you can remove following line.

    $cleanmsg = utf8_decode($cleanmsg);

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    Se puede redirigir a los clientes cuando hacen loogin?

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar yulkar

    Ya lo he encontrado en el codigo

    12.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you, should you have a new question, please open a new ticket as this is now solved i guess.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    12.02.2017 0