Support Tickets - E-mail IMAP

E-mail IMAP

HelpDesk 23.01.2017 2409 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes digisac


How do I view received emails for IMAP email configured?


Replies (6)

  • avatar Maria


    thank you for your ticket.

    The emails will be converted into tickets and depending on your settings marked read or deleted from your inbox.

    We have created an FAQ article for more information:

    All the best

    23.01.2017 0
  • avatar digisac

    Good morning Maria

    I already configured, I tested the connection and it is ok ... But I sent an email and nothing appears in Tickets

    23.01.2017 0
  • avatar Maria

    The PHP Imap test connection is not checking for emails, just for the connection.

    You will need to either setup a cron job to run the email.php file every 10 minutes or for testing you can enter following in your web browser:

    Please make sure your settings are correct, Folder to Scan: INBOX (in most cases). Ticket settings, allow tickets from guest and create an account or make sure the email address from where you send the support enquiry already exists under clients.

    23.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Awaiting your feedback, thank you.

    30.01.2017 0
  • avatar digisac

    Excuse me Jerome

    It's working, thank you.

    31.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you very much for the feedback.

    Have a great day.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    31.01.2017 0