Support Tickets - Button in WordPress

Button in WordPress

HelpDesk 21.01.2017 2482 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes digisac

Good Morning

I would like to ask a question. Our server where HelpDesk is installed is and we have the domain with Wordpress, is it possible to put the button incorporated in


Replies (14)

  • avatar Jerome


    Sure no problem. You can place the button on any website doesn't matter if it is driven by WordPress.

    We have an FAQ article about placing the button into WordPress and others:

    That should help you to create the correct embed code and place it into the correct files.

    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar digisac

    Many thanks Jerome, always fast on the answers

    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar digisac

    Hello Jerome

    I was able to put the button, I used it floating, but it does not do any action when I click the button, see:


    Includes code in footer.php

    Another topic, me and my partner would like to know the LCPS to see if it is viable to buy Live Chat Server, would you have some demo access?


    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please check your embed code, some of your code is below the body that won't work. The stylesheet needs to be placed between the head tags probably in your header.php file.

    Demo for Live Chat PHP Server will be available in a couple of hours, we are working on it.

    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar digisac

    Good Night Jerome

    I made a simple php file, the button continues without action, see:


    22.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    Now you place it on a different domain, so you have to use the cross domain option when creating the button code.

    Please use the code feature in the editor for posting code (<>).

    22.01.2017 0
  • avatar digisac

    Good morning Jerome,

    Sorry for the code.

    As for the button, I was able to put it and work on a different site, but it only worked in one browser, it came with another notebbok with different IP and the button did not appear and after this access did not work the other as well, and I did not change anything in the code



    22.01.2017 0
  • avatar digisac

    Good morning, Jerome,

    Sorry, forgot to translate and sorry for disturbing, but some difficulties I need to ask

    Sorry for the code.

    As for the button, I was able to put it and work on a different site, but it only worked in a browser, it came with another notebbok with different IP and the button did not appear and after this access did not work the other as Well, and I did not change anything in the code



    22.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    On this page you have to select at least following options:

    • jQuery (because it is not already available)
    • Cross Domain

    copy and paste the code again, replace the current one and try again.

    22.01.2017 0
  • avatar digisac

    OK, let's go:

    Selected Floating Button
    Include selected jQuery library
    Cross-domain Selected

    Button does not appear, I take the selection Cross domain and button appears but no action

    I tried all possible combinations

    22.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please send me access to your FTP and operatir panel via following form: 

    22.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you very much for the information and your patience.

    Please check following to files:

    Both working now, I have replaced one file from the upcoming 2.0 version: js/slide_up_cross.js that will fix an issue with Button to SlideUp.

    Thanks again for your patience and I appologise for any inconvenience.

    22.01.2017 0
  • avatar digisac

    Thank you Jerome

    Now it's working cross

    I would like to make an observation, Chatbot should work if any operator is not online. ChatBot could receive some requests and respond even when the company is closed, I believe that would be an important function for BOT's


    22.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your request, we will see what we can do within one of the next releases.

    Have a good afternoon.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    22.01.2017 0