Support Tickets - Contact form

Contact form

CMS 13.01.2017 25758 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes Kingoodeal


How to add a link in the contact form
New field with a check box and option
I read it and accepted the terms of use
It does not work

Thank you

Replies (31)

  • avatar Kingoodeal
    Je l'ai lu et accepté les <a href="termes-et-conditions" target="_blank">conditions d'utilisations</a>

    It does not work

    13.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Have you checked the FAQ article about the contact form?

    13.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal

    Yes we checked the item
    How to add a checkbox with a point link on cgu

    13.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You can create a checkbox in the contact form and make it mandatory. You cannot use HTML in the name fields.

    13.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal

    How to add HTML in name fields.
    Really need

    13.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You cannot use HTML in name fields, there is no way to do it.

    13.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal

    I am very annoyed, really need
    Why not add the function, in the next update please
    Thank you

    13.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    The problem is not that I don't want, it is just not possible at this moment. Of course I have noted your request and will see what we can do with the next update as we always do.

    13.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal


    To popup a map on the contact page
    Like on your page, can we use the function?

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
    $('.jakMap').on('click', function(e) {
    frameSrc = $(this).attr("href");
    $('#JAKModalLabel').html("Location Switzerland");
    $('#JAKModal').on('', function () {
    $('#JAKModal .modal-body').html('<iframe width="550" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=",+8352+Elsau,+Switzerland+(JAKCMS)&geocode=CXJnVKiGezmEFb3V1AIdFgKGACH2VJGa9wb1hQ&t=m&ll=47.502591,8.782539&spn=0.10437,0.274315&z=12&output=embed"></iframe>');
    $('#JAKModal').on('', function() {
    $('#JAKModal .modal-body').html("");
    $('.jakMapS').on('click', function(e) {
    frameSrc = $(this).attr("href");
    $('#JAKModalLabel').html("Location Spain");
    $('#JAKModal').on('', function () {
    $('#JAKModal .modal-body').html('<iframe width="550" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="\'Obila,+3,+Benissa,+Spain&aq=0&oq=carrer+obila+3&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=44.793449,84.726562&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Carrer+l\'Obila,+3,+Benissa,+Alacant,+Spain&z=14&ll=38.693161,0.094064&output=embed"></iframe>');
    $('#JAKModal').on('', function() {
    $('#JAKModal .modal-body').html("");

    In the cms not found the function?
    Or integrate it into footer

    2)Other question not found on the FAQ
    We have created a register page and we have incorporated a welcome text
    Once connects how replaces the text with a new one?
    Example like on your page here / register-login

    Why we have not the name next to "Welcome"
    Example: Welcome, Kingoodeal

    Small bug when you activate "Navbar, float"
    An offset between the menu is the content

    Thank you

    18.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    Sure, please use it. It is placed on the page in the Javascript Tab. Remember with CMS you do not need to edit files you can add custom CSS and Javascript code on each individual page.

    Show content for members or guest, please read following FAQ article:

    Can you please tell what template you use?

    18.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal


    thanks for your support
    The template used is mosaic

    Could you update your demo in version 2.3 and you install all the modules, use your demo to configure etc ...... ca help mewink
    How to add to "Search - Used (+ - *) to refine your search"

    On search how to add a

    code removed

    Thank you

    18.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You will need to activate "MySQL Full-Text Search" for improving the search. You will find it under Manage - Search Settings.

    All Demos will be updated soon, thank you for your patience.

    You will need to add it in the Below Header section, you will have examples already. Please use the code tab to paste code in future.

    Thank you.

    18.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal

    Not answered on bug with mosaic template
    Image attached:

    How do I add the code to "search"?
    Do you need to create a page?
    I would add pictures, etc ....
    Thank you.

    18.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    It is not a bug and I have explained it above:

    You will need to add it in the Below Header section, you will have examples already. Go to Manage - Below Header and add a new one the same as the other and select the search page (Show on Search).

    18.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal

    I do not understand your message ?
    We have look on the cms not found or add the code you have delete on "search".

    The only thing is to create a new page?
    We have created a below content.
    On the page "search" I do not see any code add

    Small bug when you activate "Navbar, float"
    An offset between the menu is the content
    When I pass the menu on fix, more offset

    18.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal

    Found for research, sorry

    18.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal


    We do have a display bug when you enable option "navbar on float"
    An offset between the menu is the content.
    Once disabled more offset

    Thank you

    20.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please edit the the template file customstyle.php in your template folder mosaic.

    <?php } if (!$jkv["navbarstyle_mosaic_tpl"]) { ?>
    #sb-site {
    margin-top: 0;
    .navbar {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    <?php } else { ?>
    #sb-site {
    margin-top: 115px;
    <?php } if ($jkv["boxpattern_mosaic_tpl"]) { ?>

    You will need to change the margin-top to your needs.

    20.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal

    We have changed the margin above 64px;
    It works except in telephone mode always, an offset

    20.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You could add a responsive class for smaller screens.

    That will help you:

    20.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal

    I do not understand the
    Why add a sensitive class to small screens.
    The template is not sensitive?

    20.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Of course the template is fully responsive, but it depends what you have added below the navbar, how you use the navbar and for that you sometimes needs a responsive class for the navbar only.

    For standard use that is not necessary but when custom content is displayed in a way it has not been planed you might need to adapt the stylesheet. That is either a bug nor a error it is just how web design works, we try to cover most but we can't cover all.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal


    Image attached:

    Thank you

    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I just did a fresh installation without any modification on the Mosaic design and it works in all screen sizes.

    Tested on Galaxy S5, iPhone 7, iPad Pro, iPad 2 and iPhone 5 with or without the top navbar.

    The white space appears on floating navbars, to fix the issues in whatever settings you have you will need to make following changes:

    template/mosaic/css/screen.css & dark.css find:

    .main-slideshow {
    position: relative;
    margin-top: -20px;

    replace with:

    .main-slideshow {
    position: relative;

    template/mosaic/customstyle.php find:

    <?php } if (!$jkv["mainbg_mosaic_tpl"] && $jkv["pattern_mosaic_tpl"]) { ?>
    body, #sb-site {
    background-image: url("<?php echo BASE_URL;?>template/mosaic/img/patterns/<?php echo $jkv["pattern_mosaic_tpl"];?>.png");
    <?php } if (!$jkv["navbarstyle_mosaic_tpl"]) { ?>
    #sb-site {
    margin-top: 0;
    .navbar {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    <?php } else { ?>
    #sb-site {
    margin-top: 115px;
    <?php } if ($jkv["boxpattern_mosaic_tpl"]) { ?>

    replace with:

    <?php } if (!$jkv["navbarstyle_mosaic_tpl"]) { ?>
    #sb-site {
    margin-top: 0;
    .navbar {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    <?php } elseif ($jkv["mininavbarshow_mosaic_tpl"]) { ?>
    #sb-site {
    margin-top: 60px;
    @media (min-width: 768px) {
    #sb-site {
    margin-top: 115px;
    <?php } else { ?>
    #sb-site {
    margin-top: 60px;
    <?php } if ($jkv["boxpattern_mosaic_tpl"]) { ?>

    Best regards

    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal

    Thank you, we will make the following changes:

    One question: How do I change the number of days? Not found in panel a by this code js

    <script src="/_files/mosaic/jquery.countdown.min.js"></script>
    $(function () {
    var austDay = new Date();
    austDay = new Date(austDay.getFullYear() + 1, 1 - 1, 26);
    $('#countdown').countdown({until: austDay});

    For example, have 30 days or 7 days instead of 369 days ?

    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Following line needs to be changed:

    var austDay = new Date();


    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal

    But how?

    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal
    The figures here correspond to what
    Month Day Year

    + 1, 1 - 1, 26
    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    We do not give support for custom modifications as stated when purchased a license and this goes into custom modification.

    var austDay = new Date();
    austDay = new Date(austDay.getFullYear() + 1, 1 - 1, 26);

    the code above does set the current date (first line) and the second line will add one Year to the current date. The countdown needs a date in the future, so you either set a valid javascript date in the future or you change the new Date() function.

    You will need to replace the two lines with that for example:

    var austDay = new Date(2017, 1 - 1, 28);

    Kind regards

    21.01.2017 0
  • avatar Kingoodeal


    We added a checkbox, the only problem it finds below the button sent and how does it make it mandatory?
    Otherwise it works

    When do you plan to update the cms?
    When do you plan to upgrade your demo?

    Thank you

    20.02.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That button is not part of the form, therefore you have to add your own check method in PHP. You could add the checkbox within the form but you can't use html in the form builder as explained above.

    There is no plan to update CMS as it works without major issues. Why do we need to update the demo? There would be no changes to it.

    20.02.2017 0