Support Tickets - Ticket with email already registered not saving

Ticket with email already registered not saving

HelpDesk 06.01.2017 2567 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes eman


We have an issue with creating ticket .

User registered for the first time and submitted multiple tickets to system sucessfully. as long as the user is logged in.

But we have the case that the user submitted a ticket when he was logged out, with the email that he is already registered with. The ticket created successfully and en email confirmation has been sent to him, But when the user login to his account , he can't see the ticket that he just submiited it.

Thanks .

Replies (5)

  • avatar Jerome

    Please tell me a few more information:

    • Same email address?
    • What are your settings?
    • You cannot use accounts and have settings for not creating accounts on tickets.
    06.01.2017 0
  • avatar eman

    * Yes same email address


    User Tikcets before creating new ticket

    Create New ticket

    Email confirmation sent

    Tickets after creating tikchet didnt change

    * Settings

    • You cannot use accounts and have settings for not creating accounts on tickets.

    what do you mean ?

    06.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    When no account is selected in your settings the tickets are not assigned to any account. All tickets are Guest tickets and only viewable by email.

    Should the ticket be visible in the dashboard the user needs to be logged in.

    06.01.2017 0
  • avatar eman

    Please calrify. we dont get what would we do ir what is wrong with our settings

    06.01.2017 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Your setting is:

    Create account for new clients -> No

    With this setting people can create tickets without login in, but tickets won't be associated with any account when not logged in. When a user is logged in all tickets will appear in his dashboard. When a client is not logged in (guest) no dashboard exists even if he used the same email address.

    The ticket for guests (without an account) will have a copy of the ticket in the email only.

    06.01.2017 0