HelpDesk 28.12.2016 2469 Bug Report Status: Open Solution: No goldstrikn
Hello Jakweb team,
In regards to helpdesk. I seem to manage it for the bugs I encountered, when I upgraded from old 1.5 version to 1.9.6. My issues began 3 days ago, but I think I have it covered now.
Here are my findings that I think they're bugs.
1. whenever a ticket is created, a "Ticket Error" email is generated after some time. The content of the email is vague and it doesn't show the actual error to see what to fix and resolve.
2. a new ticket is generated when "Ticket Error" shows in the mail/imap. This should not happen, because I was with the understanding that when imap fetches, it will read and take account for RE: [#xx], but it seems that it creates a ticket for any subject when it is new. I hope I'm explaining myself here and you understand.
3. When an already registered user places a new ticket with the same email as registered, but doesn't log in to create such ticket, the ticket does get created (after using Jerome's hack), but it also creates a new account with the email and provides a password. The bug is that when the customer logs in with the new created password and using the email of such, then the dashboard is not visible and can't view old tickets.
4. For priorities, the new options are good, but The only thing is that if I disable all priorities for the client side, the dropdown menu bar still shows blank. This is ok, but it should not show up at all, it needs to be hidden. Maybe in your upcoming updates you can have this option to be hidden for client side.
I wish that for my point #1, it will show a the actual error, to see how it can be correctedm, and to perhaps forward it to an independent email from helpdesk, so that it wont interfere, or create a new ticket (due to the bug).
Please advise on how to fix these issues.
Also, for point # 5.
5. I made a test as a user/visitor, replying to a ticket and adding an attachment (a png file) and the attachment is not visible in helpdesk. The attachment does show up in the email (backend side) that is IMAP setup, but it doesn't seem to fetch it.
Please advise.
Good Morning,
thank you for your ticket we will check and get back to you asap. For errors you encounter you might also check your error log files on your server.
Have a great day.
Thanks Jerome. I also provided my ftp details and logins so you can check.
Good Morning,
1. I cannot reproduce this, tested on various email accounts. Can you provide a error message?
2. The email account used for IMAP should only be used for IMAP and not for anything else.
3. Available within 1.9.8
4. Fixed in 1.9.8
5. Fixed in 1.9.8
Have a great day.
Hi Jerome,
The error shows as a subject in an email. The subject says "Ticket Error". The content only shows the following:
Your ticket has not been created, please login to our support site and create the ticket online:
I wish there was more information, so I would know where the problem is and get a fix. On my server log it doesn't show anything in relation to this.
For point #5, it is important that I get attachments when customers affix them in their email. Do you have a quick fix prior to 1.9.8?
I appreciate your help.
Hi Jerome,
Please advise on how to block the emails that are sent as "Ticket Error", as admin, I don't mind, I can just dismiss them.
But, as for client, it is not good, that he gets this response, because that caused confusion. It has happened to me 3x and it was a headache explaining.
Please open the email.php file, find and remove:
That will stop sending an email to the client.
Hi Jerome,
I want to be clear on what you meant by "That will stop sending an email to the client." I need the client to be notified that his ticket was received, and also notified when i reply to the ticket.
If I understand that this stops sending all emails, then this is not desired. What I want is only to prevent sending the email that has the Ticket Error subject.
Please clarify.
How many open tickets you allow for each client? Check in your operator panel - settings and get back to me please.
I have it set as Unlimited.
Ok, so when you remove the code above it will stop sending an email to the client. However the new version 1.9.8 is ready soon, sometimes today.
Ok, thank you. The emails still need to be sent out to the client, just not the email shown as Ticket Error, because that causes confusion to the client. The actual ticket is created, but client believes that is not because that is what the email says, so this is where the confusion begins.
When you mention "However the new version 1.9.8 is ready soon, sometimes today" does the new version not send the Ticket Error email? because I still need all the emails to be sent to client for notification and confirmation. I'm unclear again
I will wait for the new update instead of deleting the block of code you provided.
I just installed your latest 1.9.8 version and the IMAP doesn't fetch emails : ( Please check and provide fix asap!
Prior versions (1.9.6) emails were fetched through IMAP, but this latest release doesn't do it. For your information, the email that should have fetched had an image attached. It was sent through email client (outlook).
Please help!
Already fetched emails won't be fetched again.
IMAP works fine on our tested accounts.
That's not what I meant. I updated to latest release. Then what I did is reply to a ticket (as a client).
That ticket that was responded as a client goes to the normal inbox (for the support) and I noticed that the message shows as 'read' from looking at the response email from the support email used, so IMAP fetches because it marks the email as 'read'.
But, never got that response recorded into helpdesk. IMAP fetches, but helpdesk doesn't record or show the response.
This is frustrating. I will have to go back, and install old version. Back to pipe. I was really hoping to get the latest working, but it's been a headache.
If I may ask a favor, please email me version 1.9.6. I have weigh out and see what is more convenient, 1.9.6 or back to pipe.
I don't understand I have run just another test on a fresh installation with multiple attachments and it works fine. New emails and answers and both get pulled in nicely.
PHP Imap works or it does not work, there is not much in between. Please try to download the package from our download area and replace the email.php and the class/class.imap.php file manually.
I did a fresh install, it seems to have improved the overall function. But, emails that contain attachments don't get fetched. The email text itself gets fetched, but the attachment file doesnt. What could be wrong?
Please note only real attachments are fetched. Inline attechments will be ignored for a good reason. Email contain an image in the footer are inline images and this are not fetched by the IMAP.
We have tested the IMAP with:
Everything worked fine.
no, I placed an actual file attached, not an inline attachment. Regrettably, I can't use helpdesk latest version as is. I reverted back to old version. I'll check back in the future and hopefully it will all work out.
Thanks for your time and help.
Sorry to hear that, however there is also another drawback with using an old version because of security.
I could run a few tests on your server to check why it is not working on your server/email account, sometimes next week if you want.
From which account do you fetch the emails (private or public)?
Doing a little more digging, it seems that emails that contain special styling causes issues on IMAP and on PIPE (currently using).
I noticed that IMAP didn't fetch the emails that had the icon of importance (!) per the customer's doing.
Also, noticed that if the customer's reply is from email client that changes the color of my response, then this may not get fetched.
For my attachment test, I used outlook 2016 software and use plain text and a file that I accept, jpg, txt, png. And none of those attachments came through. The email was fetched, but no attachments, it seemed to be ignored, or rejected.
I wonder if you can make a script, or block of code to provide some type of diagnose connection that can post into a log file, so that it can be best troubleshooted. Just a thought.
I offered you to have a look into it on your server. You can install the latest version in a test sub domain and setup as you have it live. I will only test on the latest version and not on an old version, thank you for your understanding.
If you are ready you can send me the login information via following form when you are ready: