Support Tickets - Fetching an answered ticket from IMAP v1.9.6

Fetching an answered ticket from IMAP v1.9.6

HelpDesk 25.12.2016 2534 Bug Report Status: Open Solution: No goldstrikn


I was testing a flow with the new version 1.9.6 of helpdesk. Everything worked well in the sense of creating a ticket, admin and user gets confirmation emails. But, the issue is when the user/visitor replies to the ticket. IMAP fetches, but it doesn't show up on the /operator/index.php?p=tickets or dashboard. This is strange because all other function flow works, except when an user replies to ticket.

Please check that and advise.

Replies (5)

  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    We will run some test and get back to you asap. IMAP works connection works?

    25.12.2016 0
  • avatar goldstrikn

    Imap connection works. The cron to the email.php file also works because the emails show as read.

    25.12.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    In the subject line of the email it contains the Ticket ID?

    25.12.2016 0
  • avatar goldstrikn

    Yes it does

    25.12.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Does that still happen on the latest relase 1.9.8?

    Thank you for your feedback.

    28.01.2017 0