Support Tickets - No dashboard on helpdesk (client side) v1.9.6

No dashboard on helpdesk (client side) v1.9.6

HelpDesk 25.12.2016 2148 Bug Report Status: Closed Solution: Yes goldstrikn


The front end or client side of helpdesk is missing the Dashboard. Customers were loggin in, but it didn't have a dashboard to go to. Please check that and revert.

Replies (5)

  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    I cannot confirm, tested on a fresh installation and on our demo, dashboard is available. / 12345678

    25.12.2016 0
  • avatar goldstrikn

    Is your demo the latest 1.9.6?

    25.12.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Files, yes.

    25.12.2016 0
  • avatar mr_Rob

    I am having the same problem too

    26.12.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    On all installations we have a dashboard, please send use client access and url via following form to confirm on your installation:

    Thank you.

    27.12.2016 0