Support Tickets - User account after first Ticket

User account after first Ticket

HelpDesk 22.12.2016 2604 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes reviapps

When I try to open a ticket in the system from user already has an account, I get the attached error message


Replies (6)

  • avatar reviapps

    I have sent first ticket sucessfully. when i tried to send another ticket. i got "email address is already in use" error message.

    22.12.2016 0
  • avatar Maria

    Thank you for opening a support ticket with us.

    After the first support ticket, HelpDesk has created an account for this user. To create another ticket the user will need to login. The login details has been sent to the user by email.

    Best regards

    22.12.2016 0
  • avatar goldstrikn

    Hi Maria,

    I have a similar question. If an account is created, but later I set to 'no' the "Create account for new clients", will it still ask the client to login?

    If yes, I'm hoping that it will be bypassed. I asked Jerome a while back about this, and he said that it will be implemented in version 1.9.6, so I'm hoping this is a way to do this.

    The idea is to bypass login into the login portal in order to create a ticket. I hope you know what I mean.

    Please advise.


    23.12.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    We have integrated that feature within the imap file, in 1.9.7 it will also be available for the front end form.

    Thank you for your feedback.

    24.12.2016 0
  • avatar goldstrikn

    Hi Jerome,

    To keep this thread relevant, you provided me with the following code to allow same email address when an account is created to create a ticket without login in:

    if (jak_field_not_exist(strtolower($defaults['email']),$jaktable2,$jakfield)) {

    replace with:

    if (JAK_CLIENTACCOUNT && jak_field_not_exist(strtolower($defaults['email']),$jaktable2,$jakfield)) {

    The only issue is that even though it created the ticket with same email (which is the desired effect), it still created an account on the backend, and received email about it as if it was the first time registering.

    Please check and let me know.

    25.12.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That is correct, but it would be a lot more changes in that file which are available in 1.9.7.

    25.12.2016 0