Hi Jerome,
I started to play a little with my new CMS install (I really love the Admin panel!), I choose Mosaic as the template and I noticed that all icons are not showing, in fact they can't be found in the files/mosaic folder or any other folder...
Also: I created a new images folder, the images upload ok but, I see the names of images but can't see the image itself, only can view them in when clicking "preview". And when I upload the same images in the Mosaic or Modern folder I can see them ok without having to click Preview.
(Allo folders including new one are CHMOD 755)
Any idea?
Thank you
Now we also have this silly cookie message. We do not have any advertising on our site and we only store cookies for making the site work and for a good browsing experience.
We use cookies, just to track visits to our website, we store no personal details.
Read more in our pricacy agreement.
Please note that CMS cannot be installed on a sub folder only subdomain or main domain should be used.
Please make sure to upload the CMS with a proper FTP client and not via a control panel, specially not with cPanel.
Yes I already did that, CMS is at main domain (root) and uploaded with Filezilla.
Note about icons: In the admin side everything look ok but it is the front end that icons are not showing, and in admin when I click to edit them there is no link to images (source) it's empty compare to normal images (Ex: /_files/mosaic/general-1.jpg). It seem that all icons are not anywhere to be found.
About new images folder: I used the CMS files manager to upload images.
When I check your site, all looks alright.
Sorry I forgot to put the link to the actual site: http://jc-web-dev.ca/
Your full site domain is like this:
When you use www. you have to call your website with www!
Check following FAQ article: https://jakweb.ch/faq/a/98/full-site-domain
Sure this is basic stuff it's just that simply I missed to put the www. in my message (careless mistake lol) but I did put www.jc-web-dev.ca/ in the db.php file, If not, my site would not show at all wich is not the case. I am just wondering why the icons are not showing on the site and can't view images I upload in a folder I created (images do upload ok but I have to click "Preview" on each image to view them.
It look like I have not access to the Styel manager too...according to your video I should see some tool Icon on the site from wich I can edit style but I can't see that icon...probably a stupid detail I am missing...
Thank you for your help
Good Morning,
This is the different:
http://www.jc-web-dev.ca/ works!
http://jc-web-dev.ca/ site shown but not working 100%!
domains with or without www are two different domains www. is actually a sub domain therefore you have to set www.yourdomain.com in your browser address bar when you have set www.yourdomain.com in the full site domain in your include/db.php. All problems will pretty much go away if the domain is used the right way. A domain should also never be reachable with and without www. double content.
You should also add a redirection to one of the the domain you like to use: https://jakweb.ch/blog/a/3/apache-htaccess
Try our site, it is not possible to reach the site without https or without www.
Call me lazy (or distracted) but I have a tendancy of letting Firefox auto-complete the website URL and I just click on the link...I didn't realise that there was no www. in the link...I have to pay more ettention to those details!
Thank you for the htaccess tip and thank you so much for your kind support and patience Jerome.
May I ask one more question? I am builing a billingual site and French will be the main language, for the contact form I will need to have the Send button display in French (Envoyer) and same for the line: "Items marked are required fields" ...but I see no way to do it in the form module, so I guess I will have to dig in the code? If so can you tell me what file to modifiy?
Note: It would be a good idea that the Send button and Items marked are required fields could be lang editable :)
No problem at all.
For the language, please just head to the lang/fr.ini file.
Hi again, everything work fine but still have that little issue: I can't view images I upload in a folder I created (images do upload ok but I have to click "Preview" on each image to view them.
Not much of an emergency but if you have any idea... ;)
That could be a lazy loading problem. Have you tried to refresh the image manger on the top right? When you start scrolling does it load the previews?
Refresh work ok for image folders that came with CMS but not for the one I created
The permissions are correct for the files folders and the folders below? Depend on your server configuration you might have to set the folder permission to 777.
About the button language: Ok I updated the fr.ini file because many sections needed to be apdated, you should have receive both admin and frontend fr.ini files be email by now.
Yes, thank you. Will be implemented asap.
Cool thank you!
About the image view problem: I alreday tried with 777 but no change (i did refresh the file manager)...anyway all other images from CMS folder show images ok and those folders are all set to 755...
Yes, but this images have a thumbnail created already, that's why they show.
You will need to check if the thumbnails from your uploaded images are getting created in the files directory, if not it is probably a permission problem.
Ok I get it I forgot set the that particular subfolder to 777 in the thumbs (755) folder and it wotk now!
Thank you again for the help :)
No problem, thank you for the feedback.
*** Ticket closed ***