I've created acustom template, andI testedit. All responded well but during the last refresh the page Ctrl + F5 stopped working Blog.
I have createda Czech translation. For translate I use Sublime Text editor and for transfer to ftp I use Total Commander. After uploading to the server (plugins/blog/lang/cs.ini) I have always refreshed the page.
EverythingI sentthroughan AccessForm
Now, You have all in english and jakweb template is basic template. Many thaks for your very good support.
When you installed and uninstalled your custom template did you also removed all your vars? I see you use # as external links so the navigation won't work. When I'm back in the office I will check your database what happened.
For delete all vars
<!-- Let's do the uninstall -->
<?php if (isset($_POST['uninstall'])) {
$jakdb->query('DELETE FROM '.DB_PREFIX.'setting WHERE product = "tpl_bluesat"');
$succesfully = 1;
Ok, No problem. This website freesat-kv.cz is only testing site. Finish will be it in www.bluesat.cz.
Jerome, in database is two product with prefix:
cms_ - CMS Bootstrap
piwik_ - piwiki analytics system (is in folder 'analytics' in ftp)
I can't connect to FTP and MySQL always wrong password or username, please send me valid ones.
I have sent it. I tested all, FTP and MySQL.
Jerome, I amvery sorry. I found my mistake
I created custom template and I copied files to ftp incorrectly.
File 'plugins/blog/template/jakweb/blog.php not the same as 'plugins/blog/blog.php'
Blog is here:
Hi Jerome,
today morning blog still not works. I don't know why. I have installed plugin FAQ, Download, Blog, Faq and Download work but not Blog.
Is it interesting.
In main page of blog not work 'Main navbar' and 'content of page' and 'Navigation links in footer'
Thanks for your support.
Interesting, what have you changed last? Could I have access to your administration panel, please.
Use following form to send us the details: https://jakweb.ch/access-form
I've created a custom template, and I tested it. All responded well but during the last refresh the page Ctrl + F5 stopped working Blog.
I have created a Czech translation. For translate I use Sublime Text editor and for transfer to ftp I use Total Commander. After uploading to the server (plugins/blog/lang/cs.ini) I have always refreshed the page.
Now, You have all in english and jakweb template is basic template. Many thaks for your very good support.
When you installed and uninstalled your custom template did you also removed all your vars? I see you use # as external links so the navigation won't work. When I'm back in the office I will check your database what happened.
For delete all vars
Ok, No problem. This website freesat-kv.cz is only testing site. Finish will be it in www.bluesat.cz.
Jerome, in database is two product with prefix:
cms_ - CMS Bootstrap
piwik_ - piwiki analytics system (is in folder 'analytics' in ftp)
I can't connect to FTP and MySQL always wrong password or username, please send me valid ones.
Jerome, I am very sorry. I found my mistake

I created custom template and I copied files to ftp incorrectly.
File 'plugins/blog/template/jakweb/blog.php not the same as 'plugins/blog/blog.php'
Thanks for your good support.
Thank you for your feedback.
*** Ticket closed ***