Support Tickets - CMS pre-upload issues

CMS pre-upload issues

CMS 10.12.2016 2382 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes Keepshango


The comment on ligne 36 about adding "SuperADMIN" user is not clear to me : more user separate with comma. e.g. '1,4,5,6' (userid's). Do I have replace numbers with users's id ?

Why would this should be done from within the "db.php" file ; can't I add "SuperADMIN" users (to my convenience) from the script admin panel ?



Replies (5)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your ticket, please read following FAQ articles:

    Normal admins with their permissions are easily managed via administration panel. Super Administrators are only set via include/db.php file that is an extra layer of security.

    10.12.2016 0
  • avatar Keepshango


    This is precisely what is confusing to me :

    define('JAK_SUPERADMIN', '1'); // Undeletable and SuperAdmin User, more user separate with comma. e.g. 1,4,5,6 (userid)

    Rather than replying to kind of (maybe) inappropriated questions here below, could you please write a simulated user addition and return it to me ? So I may better understand where make new user "name" or "number" entry.


    Do I change the default content to 'NEWUSERNAME', '1' .... ?

    Or do I copy and paste the line and then change 'JAK_SUPERADMIN', '1' to 'NEWUSERNAME', '2' ?


    12.12.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    How to create a normal Admin is clear? All done via Administration panel, no need to touch the include/db.php file.

    A super administrator will have access to everything and can delete everything. To add another super administrator you will do so like this in your include/db.php:

    define('JAK_SUPERADMIN', '1,4,52');

    Never change the name (for example: JAK_SUPERADMIN) of a define variable, always the second part. The user id can be found in your administrator panel - user.

    12.12.2016 0
  • avatar Keepshango

    I got it !

    But just to confirm, and if your reply is "yes", then this ticket shall be closed :

    define('JAK_SUPERADMIN', '1,4,52');

    In this string, the numbers are those affected to admin users when they are created via the admin panel, right ?


    13.12.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That is correct. When you create a user in the administration panel you put him in the Administrator usergroup. When you want to have him as a super administrator as well you add his UserID into the include/db.php file.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    13.12.2016 0