Support Tickets - Website showing in my helpdesk box

Website showing in my helpdesk box

HelpDesk 25.11.2016 2458 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes jfeuzeu

Hi Jerome,

I need your help. I added a third site, website B to my Multisite webiste A and for some reason, a website is showing inside the chat box. Please click on the live chat to see yourself.


Replies (17)

  • avatar Jerome

    It looks like the path is wrong does the hd folder exist on all and htaccess does not prevent the chat to load?

    25.11.2016 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Hi Jerome,

    There is only one Hd folder for the whole website. All the child theme's footer and header have the codes. I don't know what is wrong.

    28.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Your access to support has been expired. However let's solve this.

    I can see the folder exists when calling: however it won't exist if your site is using:

    There is a path problem and with that it will result in a 404 not found. You will need to use absolute url's for the chat embed code and not relative url's.

    28.11.2016 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Thanks Jerome, do you have directions on how to set up the path?

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You will need to edit the embed code (probably in the footer.php file). Change all relative url's to absolute, means from:




    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You run HelpDesk and not Live Chat 3.

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    These are the footer.php codes for each site. So, should I replace all the footer's /hd/... by on all these sites' footers?

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    I edit each footer like here, but same problem presist.

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    When placing code into our ticket system please use the <> function in our editor.

    You will need to add the domain to all /hd/.. urls.

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu
    <!-- helpdesk button --><img src="/hd/index.php?p=b&amp;i=jakweb&amp;lang=en&amp;web=1" width="50" height="50" alt="img" id="jrc_slide_button_img" style="position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:20px;z-index: 9999;" /><div class="jrc_cdbox cb_default" id="jrc_cd_window"><div class="header header_bg_default"><p class="jrc_cd_title">Listing Questions?</p><a href="javascript:;" class="minimize_chatbox" title="minimize chat window">_</a><a href="javascript:;" class="maximize_chatbox" title="maximize chat window">+</a></div><div id="jrc_main_area" class="main-area"></div></div><script src="/hd/js/slide_up.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">cd.main_url="";jrc_slide_button=true;jrc_lang="en";;</script><a class="jrc_cdlink" href="/hd/index.php?p=start&amp;lang=en&amp;slide=0&amp;web=1" target="_blank"><div class="header header_bg_default"><p class="jrc_cd_title">Listing Questions?</p></div></a><div id="proactivePopUp"></div><!--[if lt IE 10]><script type="text/javascript">ie10rLower = true;</script><![endif]--><!-- end helpdesk button -->


    codes for' site

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    It should be:

    <!-- helpdesk button --><img src=";i=jakweb&amp;lang=en&amp;web=1" width="50" height="50" alt="img" id="jrc_slide_button_img" style="position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:20px;z-index: 9999;" /><div class="jrc_cdbox cb_default" id="jrc_cd_window"><div class="header header_bg_default"><p class="jrc_cd_title">Listing Questions?</p><a href="javascript:;" class="minimize_chatbox" title="minimize chat window">_</a><a href="javascript:;" class="maximize_chatbox" title="maximize chat window">+</a></div><div id="jrc_main_area" class="main-area"></div></div><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">cd.main_url="";jrc_slide_button=true;jrc_lang="en";;</script><a class="jrc_cdlink" href=";lang=en&amp;slide=0&amp;web=1" target="_blank"><div class="header header_bg_default"><p class="jrc_cd_title">Listing Questions?</p></div></a><div id="proactivePopUp"></div><!--[if lt IE 10]><script type="text/javascript">ie10rLower = true;</script><![endif]--><!-- end helpdesk button -->

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    If that does not help it must be something else with your configuration in WordPress.

    Because the single url works fine: link removed

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar jfeuzeu

    Could you check on that Jerome? I wil pay for that. I don't know where to look. May be I will disable the third site,, that was added to see if it makes a difference. Also, could that be because of the series of HD updates that I made at the same time recently? I never changed the url since you installed it for both sites and; therefore I'm wondering if the updates removed the urls that you set earlier, of If I need to recreate new buttons. FYI, I did not create new buttons and just used the codes that ware there. Also, the third sites is copy/duplicate of, with different page configurations. Not sure if these information could help you pinpoint the location of the problems.

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please send me ftp and operator login details via following form:

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I will need the operator login for HelpDesk, thank you.

    29.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    No need for the login details.

    You did an update to the latest version, next time please also read the manual.

    All changes done, working again.

    29.11.2016 0