Live Chat 22.11.2016 2526 Support Status: Open Solution: No burliz
I am use version 2.7
1 - How to work smilies and how to use ciient site?
2 - When operators go to bussy or offline my site widget banner disappears after 2 seconds. Why and how to fixed?
Thank you for your ticket.
Following smilies can be used in Live Chat 2.7.
':)' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-smile.png" alt="smile" />', ':-)' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-smile.png" alt="smile" />', ':(' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-frown.png" alt="frown" />', ':-(' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-frown.png" alt="frown" />', ':D' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-laughing.png" alt="laugh" />', ':=D' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-laughing.png" alt="laugh" />', ';)' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-wink.png" alt="wink" />', ';-)' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-wink.png" alt="wink" />', ':V' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-shout.png" alt="shout" />', ':-V' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-shout.png" alt="shout" />', ':p' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-tongue.png" alt="tongue" />', ':-p' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-tongue.png" alt="tongue" />', '8)' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-cool.png" alt="cool" />', '8-)' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-cool.png" alt="cool" />', ':*' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-kiss.png" alt="kiss" />', ':-*' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-kiss.png" alt="kiss" />', ';(' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-cry.png" alt="cry" />', ';-(' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-cry.png" alt="cry" />', ':-/' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-what.png" alt="what" />', ':/' => '<img src="sparser/smilies/smiley-what.png" alt="what" />'
2. Please send us operator and ftp login information to your installation with following form:
I dont get it how to used my costumers smilies where is emoticons button?
There is no emoticons button in Live Chat 2.7. It will be available in 3.0, release date not available.
Release date: 18.03.2025
Turn off restore code, bug fixes and performance improvements.
Release date: 14.10.2024
Updated ChatGPT models, bug fixes and performance.
Release date: 18.02.2025
Updated Datatables, Turkish language file improved, bug fixes.
Release date: 23.10.2024
New ChatGPT models, bug fixes and performance improvements.
Thank you for your ticket.
Following smilies can be used in Live Chat 2.7.
2. Please send us operator and ftp login information to your installation with following form:
I dont get it how to used my costumers smilies where is emoticons button?
There is no emoticons button in Live Chat 2.7. It will be available in 3.0, release date not available.