HelpDesk 04.11.2016 2652 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes jesusdelagarza
What's the idea or how can I use the email address on a specific project?
If I try to open a new project it shows a field for email address, what's that for?
Is there a documentation to understand this kind of features? Can you point me out to the proper link to check this kind of info?
Good Morning,
as it changes completely with the upcoming version 1.9, I can only point you to the new created FAQ article.
With the new release (comming soon) the Email Address set in the web project will be used for all user communiciation when SMTP is in use. At this moment it will be used for most (but not all) emails.
Thank you for your patience.
Version 1.9 is now available.
Thanks again for your patience.