Support Tickets - business live chat operator bad calling errors

business live chat operator bad calling errors

Live Chat 02.11.2016 2794 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes yillbs

the following error is coming up when trying to use " buttons " inside the operator dashboard.

[Wed Nov 02 16:46:47 2016] [error] [client] PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/var/www/html/lc/operator/template/buttons.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/lc/operator/index.php on line 374

After looking for the buttons.php file, it just doesn't exist. Their is a button.php file inside the root directory, but nothing inside /operator/theme/buttons.php.

Why is it calling for this file if it doesn't exist?


Replies (4)

  • avatar yillbs

    Quick correction, Their is no buttons.php inside of /operator/template/buttons.php ( not theme as I stated previously ).


    02.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your purchase and opening a support ticket with us.

    That is indeed a bug with the release from yesterday, a file mix up within the operator panel.

    Please download the latest package again from our site:

    and replace following file:

    • operator/embed.php

    That will fix this issue. I appologise for any inconvenience and thank you for the report.

    02.11.2016 0
  • avatar yillbs

    thanks for the quick update. That did indeed fix it. Although, you should probably update the files on evato to avoid this.


    02.11.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Already sent to Envato.

    Thank you.

    02.11.2016 0