Support Tickets - Sign in and signup links

Sign in and signup links

CMS 31.10.2016 2223 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes 1stbuy

Hi J,

Have some dificulties with CMS, For some reasons the Sign in and sign up, links has desapired form top menu bar , when i click i get an (#) at the end of the URL,

Any advice,


Replies (3)

  • avatar Jerome

    That is normal, you will. Eed to set a link to the sign in and sign up page you habe created before.

    Activate the style manager and add the url where you see the hash tag.

    Awaiting your feedback.

    31.10.2016 0
  • avatar 1stbuy

    But how do i set the links? i have already the pages in admin panel, but cant see any links when access the pages in admin?

    31.10.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Go to your sitemap, please.

    31.10.2016 0