hello friend, I need help, I can not install wordpress
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
<!-- live chat business button --><div class="jrc_chatbox cb_default" id="jrc_chat_window"><div class="header header_bg_default"><p class="jrc_chat_title">Chat en Vivio</p><a href="javascript:;" class="popup_chatbox">☰</a><a href="javascript:;" class="minimize_chatbox" title="minimize chat window">_</a><a href="javascript:;" class="maximize_chatbox" title="maximize chat window">+</a><div id="jrc_chat_now"></div></div><div id="jrc_main_area" class="main-area"></div></div><script src="/js/slide_up.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">ls.main_url="/";jrc_lang="es";</script><a class="jrc_chatlink" href="/index.php?p=start&lang=es&slide=2" target="_blank"><div class="header header_bg_default"><p class="jrc_chat_title">Chat en Vivio</p></div></a><div id="proactivePopUp"></div><!--[if lt IE 10]><script type="text/javascript">ie10rLower = true;</script><![endif]--><!-- end live chat business button -->
the code does not work
buy the license Codecanyon
Thank you for your ticket.
But your account does not have any purchase code and therefore we can't give you any support until your provide a valid purchase code in your profile.
Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for verifing your purchase.
When I check your website it cannot find the live chat installation. Where did you install the live chat?
I have it installed on a subdomain
Please create the chat embed code again in your operator panel and select different domain.
Subdomain and Maindomain are two different domains.
thank you very much friend, I worked perfect
Thank you for your feedback.
*** Ticket closed ***