Schedule in Live Chat is gone again
Live Chat 14.10.2016 2474 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes kiltkittens
My Live Chat schedule under my user has disappeared again and I am not getting my text alerts or desktop alerts now. I am almost ready to go live with my site. Please help!!
I messed around with the ProActive Option and changed my user name. I didn't really change much else. I didn't change any settings as far as phone numbers or message service/email protocol settings. Did not change anything in User Profile
I think I may have changed a couple things under configuration but nothing that should've messed with the schedule. I logged on the site with my mobile phone too for the first time. I had taken a snapshot of the schedule at 7:52pm Oct 13th so it was ok then if that helps.
Good Morning,
thank you for your ticket. Which browser do you use when editing the settings? Did you change anything in the code?
Awaiting your feedback.
Firefox. No I didn't change the code. The same browser I've been using. No problems until now.
That is strange, if nothing has been changed on the software or browser it should work as expected.
Do you have any extensions installed on firefox?
No. Last time I gave my sign in and it was fixed but never told me why or what happened.
I remember, yes.
Please send me ftp and operator details again:
Thank you for the information.
Please try again. If that happens again, please let me know right after it happens and what you have done.
Thank you very much.
Can you tell me what you did to fix it?
I reseted the hours_array column in the database column on your user.
I was thinking earlier..I clicked on desktop notifications. Not sure but a feeling that had something to do with it..
I'll try to keep a log anytime I change something.
Thank you. I'll look on my desktop and make sure it's working and let you know.
Thank you very much, just open a new ticket if it happens again.
*** Ticket closed ***