Support Tickets - Img is not showing CMS

Img is not showing CMS

CMS 28.09.2016 2602 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes ashraf_khan986

Dear Support,, img in admin panel and website showing missing.

How i can add home page slider.

Replies (6)

  • avatar ashraf_khan986

    28.09.2016 0
  • avatar ashraf_khan986

    Not Found

    The requested URL /content.php was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    28.09.2016 0
  • avatar ashraf_khan986
    Message:MySQL Query fail: INSERT INTO cms_setting (`varname`, `groupname`, `value`, `defaultvalue`, `optioncode`, `datatype`, `product`) VALUES ("shopcheckout", "shop", 1, 1, "input", "number", "shop")
    MySQL Error:Duplicate entry 'shopcheckout' for key 'PRIMARY'
    Date:Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 11:05:07 AM
    28.09.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I don't know what you doing but please send me access to ftp, control panel and I will install it once for you.

    content.php is not one of our file, images are corrupt (uploaded wrong) and other stuff we can't understand.

    When you use the clean url (apache rewrite) option you have to place the .htaccess file as well, otherwise it won't work, more information here:

    Should you be interested in a clean install (if server is ready for), please send me all details requested above via following form:

    28.09.2016 0
  • avatar ashraf_khan986

    I sent you ftp details, i am not doing any thing, as i am getting problem i am asking you. file trf thru ftp.

    28.09.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your information.

    As stated in your other ticket, please use a proper FTP program to upload the files. Like FileZilla.

    Step by Step to upload and install CMS:

    Images not working, please make sure they uploaded correctly. Clean url's not working, please make sure you use our provided htaccess file and not just one you found on the internet. More information about htaccess can be found here: and here:

    Run into a problem, please check first our FAQ:, still no luck go to the support area and use the search on the right hand side. Should you still stuck, please feel free to open a support ticket anytime. We are happy to help you out.

    28.09.2016 0