Hi I have created my buttons but when I run a page to check the status I seem to get the default icons that came with Live Chat. When I upload my buttons through the dashboard they get placed in live_chatuploadfilesbuttons folder however the documentation says upload the images to img/buttons/en/. When I went to img/buttons/ there was no en folder so I created one.
The code that I have generated for my web page is:
You can see the default setup at link removed
My buttons are named mark_doyle_on.png and mark_doyle_off.png. How do I get my buttons to display?
Also there is a small bug in the db.php file. You tell us to put the full site domain as http://www.site.com but if you do this when you log on as an operator the redirect does not work correctly. You get directed to http://http://www.dmballooncompany.com/php/live_chat/upload/operator. To resolve this I removed the http:// from the db.php file
If I want to use Live Chat in 3 different languages do I have to install it 3 times in my various language folders and use 3 different databases?
Thank you in advance.
Now we also have this silly cookie message. We do not have any advertising on our site and we only store cookies for making the site work and for a good browsing experience.
We use cookies, just to track visits to our website, we store no personal details.
Read more in our pricacy agreement.
Thank you for opening a ticket with us.
When you upload the files you do so via operator panel, please. There is no need to create a folder anymore inside the files/buttons directory.
After uploading the images (on/off) you will need to create the embed code with the wizard and select the code next to your image.
The db.php file says to put your domain only, plus it links to our FAQ article here: https://jakweb.ch/faq/a/98/full-site-domain
To use the chat in 3 different languages, pass your language variable from your website inside the embed code. More information can be found here: https://jakweb.ch/faq/a/119/buttons-client-chat
Best regards
Hi Jerome,
Many thanks for the quick response. I have now managed to get the correct code with my button. Interestingly though the images along with differeent code blocks do not show up all th etime and are dependant on what you choose as you configure your button. The majority of the time it just generates one code block.
I would like to change some additional colours to marry up with the design of my site and these options are not available to change through the dashboard. For example the colour behind the header/title on the chat window and the specific colour of the chat bubbles (options are limited and I would like to specify #FF2378). Can you point me to the files I need to amend.
Kind regards.
Good morning,
That is correct, the slide up will not use your image you have uploaded. Any other option will show the images.
The bubble colours have 11 options to add more you will need to select one and change the colour to your needs in the css/style.css
With the header/title do you mean the slide up window with the blue and orange border on top? If so please open the css/slide_up.css file and find:
change to anything you want.
Hi Jerome,
Your suport is first class. I have made the changes. 2 more things I would like to change the colour off. In the chat box there is a red button to end the conversation and a white arrow on a green background to send a chat. Can you point me to the correct css so I can change these.
Kind regards.
Thank you very much.
That is part of the bootstrap framework.
To change the color you will need to open template/slide_up/chat.php or template/pop_up/chat.php and find:
btn-danger means read, you can use btn-warning, btn-info, btn-success, btn-primary, btn-default. Or add your own bootstrap button class and name it for example btn-purple and add following class to the stylesheet.
That should get you started.
Hi Jerome,
Thank you for that; I have made the changes. One last thing and then I am 100% up and running. The colour blue on the contact form and feedback form. Where is that in the css?
Your support has been fabulous, a real joy to know that someone will answer your queries.
Wish you all the best for the future.
That is also within the bootstrap framework (if you mean the button).
You can change that in the template/slide_up/feedback.php and template/slide_up/contact.php, look for the class btn-primary.