Support Tickets - Operator Email Tickets

Operator Email Tickets

HelpDesk 05.09.2016 2766 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes raffzilla

Hello, I have bought your theme from CodeCanyon and I would need some help with somehting.

When there is a new ticket created on a Operator, the specific Operator dosen't get a email.

I have added a client but at client field client - there is no client.

Please help me !

Replies (18)

  • avatar Maria

    Thank you for your ticket.

    There is no option to send a ticket to an operator, it is possible to open a ticket to a department.

    You can setup an email address for each project or in your settings you can add more email addresses to notify when someone is creating a ticket (client).

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar raffzilla

    Can you tell me where I find that setting to add more email adresses to be notfied ?

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar Maria

    Sure, please login to your operator panel and go settings.

    You will find a Email CC field, enter more email addresses comma separated.

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar raffzilla

    I already have there another email and I've added 2 more but I still get email on the main but not on those. And when I said that you asign a ticket to a operator, I was refering from the /operator -> New Ticket. You have there Assign Operator. And Client too that is not working

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar Maria

    When a operator creates a ticket no email will be sent. We will add this option within the next release.

    Thank you

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar raffzilla

    The operators are not getting any emails at all...

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar raffzilla
    The email that I set to CC are not getting anything
    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    As my collegue stated above when a ticket get's created in the operator panel only two emails will be sent:

    • Main Email Address
    • Client Email Address

    Within the next update it will send to:

    • Main Email Address
    • CC Email Addresses
    • Client Email Address
    • Operator Email Address (optional)

    Thank you for your understanding.

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar raffzilla

    OK but I've tryed to send the ticket from the support - here - - email - - pass - test123

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Have you set the Emails CC under Settings - Settings - Ticket (Tab)?

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar raffzilla

    Yes, I've placed the Email under Settings - Settings AND in Settings - Settings - Ticket. Nothing !

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please send us super operator access info with following form:

    Thank you.

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you very much for the login details.

    I have changed two things.

    • Updated to the latest version 1.7.2 (always update to the latest version before opening a support ticket)
    • Changed your Email CC, they had email,[space]email (no space after the comma, please.
    • The client George using an email address that does not exist for sure

    Please try again.

    You should also create a Google Map Api Key and add it to your settings as described here:

    We have built in an Auto Updater to easy update to the latest version, more information can be found here:

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar raffzilla

    OK thank you for your time. I will test it asap and notify you if everything is OK

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar raffzilla

    Unfortunately it's not working ... I still don't get emails on the CC ... try to add your email there and send a ticket from here - - you can Register ... I really need this feature please

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your patience.

    Bug confirmed. Fixed with the upcoming release 1.8.

    Thanks again for the report.

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar raffzilla

    Do you have a release date for this update ? Thanks for all the help

    05.09.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    We never publish release dates, but it will be soon.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    06.09.2016 0