Support Tickets - Twilio text alert feature

Twilio text alert feature

Live Chat 14.08.2016 2830 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes kiltkittens

We are having problems getting Twilio to work. We are trying to receive text message alerts when someone wants to chat online. Is this possible through your plug? If so, can you please help? I can send you the Wordpress login info.

Replies (37)

  • avatar Maria

    Good Morning

    Thank you for your ticket.

    With Live Chat Business you can setup text messages under settings. For that you will need an active (not test) account with Twilio.

    Enter the keys from twilio into live chat settings and setup each operator to receive a text message (phone number and time availabillity).

    The system does only send a message if no operator is physically online.

    14.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    Ok I will try that. Which feature would that be with Twilio? The Progammable SMS?

    14.08.2016 0
  • avatar Maria

    Good Morning.

    Simple text message, the only thing you have to do is to have an active account with Twilio and enter the keys into live chat.

    15.08.2016 0
    • avatar kiltkittens

      I purchased an active account and created, entered keys. I've tried logging out and going into site as a user and entering a chat. No text message ever received.

      15.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    I am also missing scheduling. Could that be causing this issue?

    15.08.2016 0
  • avatar Maria

    Please make sure you use your international mobile number in the right format Twilio will help you with that.

    When you test please make sure no operator is logged in within the same department.

    For your time schedule issue please check your other ticket.

    15.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    Now we are getting this error

    DB Error:
    Message: MySQL Query fail: ALTER TABLE lc_sessions ADD `canswered` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `answered`

    MySQL Error: Duplicate column name 'canswered'

    16.08.2016 0
  • avatar Maria

    Good evening,

    to help you I would need to know what you have changed or installed before you get this error. Thank you

    16.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    the error was created after i followed your instructions to change hours_array back to NULL. Can I please get some assistance with getting this installed correctly.

    17.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    please send us FTP, MySQL phpmyadmin or control panel and operator login details via following form:

    17.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    Sent info to the link above

    17.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for the information.

    1. The twilio phone number you have set in the settings has probably a wrong format.
    2. In your user proflie there is no mobile phone number set, please set the phone number in the correct format into your user profile and set a time when you are available.

    Awaiting your feedback.

    17.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    We have put the numbers in and can get the contact form and the application to send text alerts. We cannot get text alerts still from the live chat box. We have set the schedule. The chat box now will not let you enter a messsage unless there is a live operator..? Please let us know the next step or go in and fix this problem as we have spent a lot of time trying to no avail.

    18.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    Thank you for your answer. Twilio has changed his library recently and we are in the process to update your installation as well after it works again.

    I will get back to you as soon as it is done. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    18.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your patience it is now fixed with Twilio on your server and the fix is also included within the next release.

    Thanks again and I awaiting your feedback.

    18.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    Still not working

    18.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I did test it on your server and it worked, did you change any files?

    18.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    The error on your server is:

    +3363999714 is not a valid phone number

    Please go to your operator profile and add your mobile phone number or the mobile phone number you want to receive the text message.

    18.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    Still not working. How can I send you the phone numbers privately? I have a bought number from Twilio, my real cell number, and a Twilio sandbox number. Can you go in and see what is wrong now. We corrected the server error and still can't get the text alert for the Chat feature. Again, we ARE getting text alerts for contact forms and the application

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    I can tell you when I log out as a user and try to send an email when no operator is present, in the live chat window, I never receive an email either...nor a text alert.

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome


    Your operator profile does not have any online time now, the online schedule is all set to zero?!

    When you check your SMS log on twilio: messages has been sent and delivered.

    Twilio will only send messages to phone numbers that have been verified in test mode, in live mode it will send a message to all cell numbers (as long they are valid). At the moment your live keys are used from Twilio in your live chat settings.

    Emails and SMS on new client will only be sent if the online schedule is set. All emails will go to your email address, did you receive the test email sent from the operator - settings 5 minutes ago?

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I checked again now, please do not change the Twilio data in your live chat settings, this are correct now.

    Please go to your operator profile and add the mobile phone number where you want to receive a text message. Each operator will enter there mobile phone number on their profile to receive a text message. Please, leave the live chat settings as is.

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens


    My Twilio bought number or my actual cell phone number? There is also a Twilio Sandbox number

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    In your operator profile your cell phone number, please.

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    oh shoot can you delete that

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    not working

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    I've tried both Twilio paid number and my mobile. Neither is sending a text and no email message

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome


    can you please answer my questions above!

    Online schedule is set? Cell phone number has been set on operator profile? Live chat settings have not been changed? Chat is showing online? Email received?

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    Yes! Online scheduling is set 9am to midnight 7 days. My real cell phone is added in my user profile. in the +1(area code and number) format. I have not changed Live chat settings. Chat window is popping up no operator available please leave message. I am logged out of LIve Chat when I test. I am not receiving email or texts when I send a message acting as a user. I AM still signed into Wordpress when I try to test. I have a log in Twilio account on Twilio website that shows a live chat was received to 336.750XXXX from +4177XXXXXXX today at 5:48 pm

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    All the rest of the messsages received in Twilio have been for contact forms and the application. The one I think you may have sent earlier today said Live Chat message received from an unknown number. So it looks like it worked for you. Maybe I need to try from another computer and change the mode on Wordpress to public and be completely signed out of Wordpress..? I don't know

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    Offline messages will not send a text message to your mobile phone, the online schedule if set correctly with your timezone and servertime will set the chat online not offline (contact form) and it will send you a text message or/and email depend on your settings.

    You have added the Twilio number again in your operator profile, that does not work you cannot send a text message from twilio to twilio (same number). Please add here: please enter your private cell phone number.

    Now the other question is can your server send emails to email address that are not registered with the server (same domain) can they be sent anyway?

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    Ok I've added my +1336399XXXX cell phone number (it is not a Twilio number)

    If you could, change any settings needed to set up chat window as online to receive text alerts as we haven't been successful. Please test and I can verify if text received.

    I will ask about email and server and get back with you.

    19.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    If the phone number is OK, you should receive a text message now.

    I had to change the time schedule for saturday to fit our timezone here in Europe.

    Have a nice weekend.

    20.08.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    I received a text message at 2:49am. Still looking into email but thank you for helping with the text issue. Very happy

    20.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Did you found a solution for your email problem? Thank you for your feedback.

    06.09.2016 0
  • avatar kiltkittens

    Yes this problem is being caused by changing the user name

    15.10.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for the feedback, we will fix this within the next release.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    15.10.2016 0