Support Tickets - Live Chat integration

Live Chat integration

Live Chat 02.08.2016 2659 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes Vlvideo

I could not find any information about Live Chat integration to the website. Please provide more information or link to the integration guide. Thank you

Replies (20)

  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    please find the installation guide here: and here:

    The live chat embed code will need to be copied right before the closing body tag, usually in your footer file.

    02.08.2016 0
  • avatar Vlvideo

    Yes I got this one. Thank you for fast replay.

    03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your information, what kind of hosting you have with Dreamhost? I can't even run a the PHP info file on your server.

    03.08.2016 0
    • avatar Vlvideo

      and its fully Hosted with PHP 5.6 or i can go up to PHP 7.0

      03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Vlvideo

    yes its Dreamhost

    03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Yes, I know but I cannot find out what is wrong because I can't even check your PHP version. You have some sort of a cache that delays pretty much everything. So when I replace a file on your server it does not take effect only after a little while, therefore I think you will run into problems. I have replaced all files with the original ones but they won't show because of your cache, is there an option to turn it off or empty the cache via console?

    03.08.2016 0
    • avatar Vlvideo

      I dont have any problems to see all the updatet files right a way and i dont see that my server works slow, all the files that i put on the host updating right a way. I use ftp client and updating speed or uploading speed pritty good.There is no any delays or something like that. I never had any problem before with uploading speed or updating speed for my websites.

      03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Your server is not slow, I did not say that. For example, I can delete an important file from your server (the chat won't work without that file) but when I browse to your operator panel it still works without an issue, therefore you must have a cache somewhere and that cache prevents Live Chat from working correctly. Is there any option to turn off this cache, just for testing?

    03.08.2016 0
    • avatar Vlvideo

      I tried to find information about turning off the cache but i could not any suggection from you? As I see there is no any options that i can turn it off or on even dreamhost forum didnt say anything(

      03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Can you please check that I'm managing the correct installation via FTP. I change something and it has no effect, I'm confused. Please make sure the FTP informations are correct and point to the correct installation.

    I have tried via FileZilla and your Online FTP Editor and with both I seem to be getting nowhere. Try yourself, for example delete the config.php file from the live chat folder and load the website, nothing changes and it should definitely not work after deleting the config.php file.

    03.08.2016 0
    • avatar Vlvideo

      I fixed the problem in your code was extra empty spaces after ?> I guess this is was the problem

      03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    In which file, please?

    03.08.2016 0
    • avatar Vlvideo

      functions.php line 411

      I simply delited extra spaces and it works

      03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Vlvideo

    db.php line 43

    03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you very much, our original include/db.php file has only 40 lines so your text editor must have added some more empty lines.

    Glad it works for you now.

    03.08.2016 0
    • avatar Vlvideo

      thanks to you for not giving up on me

      03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Vlvideo

    Now I have an other question, how do I move the button from the right to the left on my website? sorry if its not the right forum to ask.

    03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Vlvideo

    Never mind I figure out, sorry for stupid question its really late right now and im little bit tired))

    03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome
    03.08.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    No problem, thank you for your patience and have a good night sleep.

    03.08.2016 0