CMS 22.11.2015 2786FeedbackStatus: OpenSolution: No bluesatkv
Hi Jeromo,
I have only idea or wishes.
You can add a plugin like Wiki in new version? Or it can be programmed only for me?
I like to pay for your work. No problem.
Replies (11)
Thank you for your suggestion.
Can you please explain what you understand under Wiki? Wiki like in Wikipedia?
Yes, I think that would be enough.
I searched long and CMS system and I like your system because CMS have responsive design, is quick and simple.
I do not like Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress ...
CMS have the small errors now, but otherwise is super. Your CMS I want to use for my corporate network. I have a companyto installantennas and satellites.
I would love:
1 .simple Wiki
2. intranet
I need to have Internet access for other function
1. database of manuals from producers
2. Database of work in big houses. In czech Republic we have 'prefabricated house - panelové domy'
3. Maybe CRM in future
Hi Jerome, I prepare this weekend my supplications and I send you throught email. Then you will tell me please how much I pay?
Sure, sounds great.
Jerome, it is possible added in pay support some good code editor into ACP? TinyMCE is very good butI need toalso some good codeeditor.
Code Editor?
TinyMCE has code editor of source code. But this code editor do it this style
The first solutionisto metragic. But I understand thatitis a property ofTinyMCE.
I found solution CodeMagic for TinyMCE. This plugin is very very good.
On Wednesday I will send for you $ 200 I'll send mail the changes that need to be done for me. When you need more money, write to me. Will it suit you?
Please send me first the exact description of your plugin I will send you a quote first.
First,I needto implement ACE Editor to Admin Control Panel than other.
In files is my first test with ACE Editor. I think that works, but I have still problem with saving from ACE Editor.
Thank you for your suggestion.
Can you please explain what you understand under Wiki? Wiki like in Wikipedia?
Yes, I think that would be enough.
I searched long and CMS system and I like your system because CMS have responsive design, is quick and simple.
I do not like Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress ...
CMS have the small errors now, but otherwise is super. Your CMS I want to use for my corporate network. I have a company to install antennas and satellites.
I would love:
1 .simple Wiki
2. intranet
I need to have Internet access for other function
1. database of manuals from producers
2. Database of work in big houses. In czech Republic we have 'prefabricated house - panelové domy'
3. Maybe CRM in future
Hi Jerome, I prepare this weekend my supplications and I send you throught email. Then you will tell me please how much I pay?
Sure, sounds great.
Jerome, it is possible added in pay support some good code editor into ACP? TinyMCE is very good but I need to also some good code editor.
Code Editor?
TinyMCE has code editor of source code. But this code editor do it this style
I'd like to show code as follows
The first solution is to me tragic. But I understand that it is a property of TinyMCE.
I found solution CodeMagic for TinyMCE. This plugin is very very good.
On Wednesday I will send for you $ 200 I'll send mail the changes that need to be done for me. When you need more money, write to me. Will it suit you?
Please send me first the exact description of your plugin I will send you a quote first.
First, I need to implement ACE Editor to Admin Control Panel than other.
In files is my first test with ACE Editor. I think that works, but I have still problem with saving from ACE Editor.