Support Tickets - Images on ticket not being displayed for admin

Images on ticket not being displayed for admin

HelpDesk 20.07.2016 2617 Bug Report Status: Closed Solution: Yes efrancou


Images are not being displayed on tickets to admins but they are being displayed to customers.


Replies (9)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your ticket, we will run some tests and get back to you asap.

    20.07.2016 0
  • avatar efrancou

    No problem dude. This helpdesk is awesome!

    20.07.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your patience.

    We have tested the attachements extensively and attachements are displayed for both sides. However we found another bug which has been fixed and will be available soon via Auto Updater.

    Is your HelpDesk installed in a sub folder?

    21.07.2016 0
  • avatar efrancou

    Yes, it is.

    21.07.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Just to make sure, the client uploaded an attachment and when you open this ticket in the operator panel it does not say attachements and underneath there are no attachments listed?

    21.07.2016 0
  • avatar efrancou

    No, when I upload an attachment for the client I can't see it. I see a broken image link.

    21.07.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Oh, because in your first message you wrote the operator cannot see the image.

    Please open your include/db.php file and add the sub folder to it.

    // File and Image Editor Path (for absolute use '' for relative use '' or '/subfolder
    define('JAK_EDITOR_PATH_BASE', '');
    define('JAK_EDITOR_PATH', '/files/editor/');

    That way the images are displayed correctly.

    21.07.2016 0
  • avatar efrancou

    My helpdesk is installed at and operador URL is

    // File and Image Editor Path (for absolute use '' for relative use '' or '/subfolder
    define('JAK_EDITOR_PATH_BASE', '');
    define('JAK_EDITOR_PATH', '/soporte/files/editor/');

    That way?

    21.07.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    More like this:

    // File and Image Editor Path (for absolute use '' for relative use '' or '/subfolder
    define('JAK_EDITOR_PATH_BASE', '/soporte');
    define('JAK_EDITOR_PATH', '/files/editor/');
    21.07.2016 0