Support Tickets - Updating current Live Chat to 2.4 version.

Updating current Live Chat to 2.4 version.

Live Chat 28.06.2016 2424 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes phaiymty

Hi. I purchased livechat about a month ago and it is currently installed. I noticed the new 2.4 version has been released and was wondering how do i go about updating from the older version to the newer one without having to reinstall it. Is this possible?

Replies (12)

  • avatar phaiymty

    NOTE: when i attempt to do auto update in admin panel. i get the error: Cannot access the release file.

    28.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    Thank you for opening a support ticket.

    If you get the message *Cannot access the release file" means your server does not support file_get_contents(). In this case you have to update the manual way.

    Please download the latest release from our download area and follow this guide:

    1. Backup your database
    2. Backup your files (in case of any custom modifications)
    3. Delete all files and folders except (cache and files folders).
    4. Upload the files and folders from the new new version except (cache and files folder).
    5. Upload your old /include/db.php from the backup
    6. Open your web browser and go to:
    7. Follow the guide.
    8. Delete the install directory
    9. Done.

    You can also ask your host to support file_get_contents() and update in two clicks.

    Kind regards

    29.06.2016 0
  • avatar phaiymty

    HI after following your update instructions.. i am getting this error...

    MySQL Query fail: SELECT id, hours_array, phonenumber, available, departments, emailnot FROM lc_user WHERE (access = 1 AND available = 1) OR (access = 1 AND emailnot = 1 AND hours_array != "")

    30.06.2016 0
  • avatar phaiymty

    and when i click autoupdate

    it gives me Cannot access the release file.

    30.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    The auto update hase been explained above, your server does not support file_get_contents().

    Have your run the install/update.php that is important to update the database.

    30.06.2016 0
  • avatar phaiymty

    I did run the install/update.php but for some reason i am still getting the MySQL query fail. Also i have another question thats completely off topic. I had one chat where the individual messaged us. But we were none of the operators was alerted. Is this one of the bugs that was fixed in the new update?

    30.06.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      Yes, that was one issue with the older version when Internet Explorer has been used.

      30.06.2016 0
  • avatar phaiymty

    oh one more thing. is it possible to have operator never idle out of being logged in?

    30.06.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      Sorry I don't understand that.

      30.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please send me full access to FTP, MySQL and Operator login via following form:

    30.06.2016 0
  • avatar phaiymty

    the question i was asking about is that. Our operators get logged out when they are idle. Meaning after 30 minutes of logging in. The operator is automatically logged out. Is there anyway we can prevent this from happening.

    01.07.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please check your session timeout settings on the server. Live chat prevents usually from logout but it depends on two things your internet connection or session settings.

    01.07.2016 0