Support Tickets - Twillo ph num and text forwarding
Twillo ph num and text forwarding
Live Chat 09.06.2016 2518SupportStatus: ClosedSolution: Yes ishwar
when i setup the twillo ph num say xxx-xxx-xxxx in admin
what ph num do i add in the operator/user panel .. ie is operator ph num say yyy-yyy-yyyy will text notification from his assigned website go to his ph num via twiillo
Replies (3)
Thank you for your purchase and thank you for opening a support ticket.
Within the settings you will need to add the Twilio information, within the operator profile you will add the phone number of this operator so he/she will get notified when a client needs his/her attention.
After sign up with Twilio or Nexmo you will get an SID and Token key. You need to insert this key as well your Twilio/Nexmo phone number into the settings within your operator panel. After that you or your Operator's can configure their profile to set them self available at certain times and days.
great thank you.. i will install it and test it.. btw is it ok ok to use some of content from your webstie for my marekting?
Please inform us what kind of content you are using before you place it on your website.
Thank you for your purchase and thank you for opening a support ticket.
Within the settings you will need to add the Twilio information, within the operator profile you will add the phone number of this operator so he/she will get notified when a client needs his/her attention.
After sign up with Twilio or Nexmo you will get an SID and Token key. You need to insert this key as well your Twilio/Nexmo phone number into the settings within your operator panel. After that you or your Operator's can configure their profile to set them self available at certain times and days.
great thank you.. i will install it and test it.. btw is it ok ok to use some of content from your webstie for my marekting?
Please inform us what kind of content you are using before you place it on your website.
Thank you.