Support Tickets - Problem live chat

Problem live chat

Live Chat 08.06.2016 2771 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes mferro

Hello, My problem is that when I enter the url of the operator I jump to wordpress 404 error page


Replies (19)

  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    The redirect to your WordPress 404 is not an issue from Live Chat and we can't control that within Live Chat, please make an exception within your .htaccess file (made by WordPress).

    As you can see your other links on your website also follow this rule so your htaccess file or SEO plugin from WordPress thinks that this is also an URL within your WordPress.

    Please make an execption within your SEO plugin or .htaccess file and Live Chat will work normally.

    Kind regards

    08.06.2016 0
  • avatar mferro


    what problem?

    08.06.2016 0
  • avatar mferro

    Bridge does not work, I'll have to ask refund to Envato

    08.06.2016 0
  • avatar mferro
    Embed button does not work.
    bridge plugin does not work.
    Does that work?
    08.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Bridge will work fine if instructions are followed and it won't go quicker with such posts. We are here to help, but we can only help when we know where you stuck.

    Please open your include/db.php file and set the correct full site domain:

    08.06.2016 0
  • avatar mferro
    That is now done put it as a subdomain:
    the embedded button doesn't work!
    08.06.2016 0
  • avatar mferro

    This is the second day that I have been testing the chat plugin and see nothing butproblems, before launching a product, make sure that it works well

    08.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please send us Ftp, operator and wp login information with following form:

    08.06.2016 0
  • avatar mferro
    I've already tested 2 days but I only see problems especially to embedding the
    button on the web site.cry
    09.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please send me the correct FTP and cPanel login details both are not working. Operator and WordPress login is working, but FTP and cPanel is not.

    Please use following form:

    09.06.2016 0
  • avatar mferro
    Are all the details correct, the only thing wrong that I put was the password
    FTP which is actually
    09.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Sorry still not working, login incorrect for FTP or cPanel. Please use the following form and send us the correct details, within 5 minutes your chat will work fine:

    09.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please test the login information I still get login incorrect for FTP and cPanel. Send it again to us and make sure we can login with the details you send us:

    We would really like to help you but we need the correct details.

    09.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you now it worked, we have placed the embed code into your WordPress footer.php file and the Chat is working fine.

    You can now login into your operator panel and serve your customers.

    Best regards

    09.06.2016 0
  • avatar mferro
    Thank you looks very good now.
    What was the process to modify if I change WordPress template?
    09.06.2016 0
  • avatar mferro

    Thanks for support smile

    09.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You are welcome.

    Please read following FAQ article for WordPress and Co:

    You will need to add the embed code into your footer.php file right before the closing body tag.

    09.06.2016 0
  • avatar mferro

    Perfect, thanks laughing

    09.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You are welcome.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    09.06.2016 0