Is it possible to pop out the operator chat window?
Is it also possible to have the chat window persist? Right now it goes away if I'm chatting with another operator and navigate to another page on the operator dashboard page and I have to check the operator history chat to see if I've missed a chat message.
Thank you for your ticket.
The private operator chat only shows on the dashboard and on the live chat page for performance reasons. Missed messages (history) will be shown again when navigating back to this pages.
The public operator chat is already a pop up.
We will see if we can have a pop up for the private operator chat as well within the next release.
Thank you.
Ah, got it. Thanks Jerome. Pop-out for operator private chat would solve the issue. Really hoping it's implemented in the next release.
Thank you for the quick response.
Will be available within the next release.
Thank you.