Support Tickets - Slider editing

Slider editing

CMS 31.05.2016 2682 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes 1stbuy


I am traying to edit the writing in home page slider,

All i could is to re write the 1st image lines, in editor, admin/ below header/ home slider/ but after that there is no option to scrool to the second image? any chance to have a guide?

Many tahnsk.

Replies (9)

  • avatar Jerome

    The slider is best to edit within the source code. tinymce is not able to display this correctly.

    Two options activate the advances editor under options or open the source editor within the tinyMCE editor.

    31.05.2016 0
  • avatar 1stbuy

    Thance for advice. for some reason the file manager it shows Blank? when traying to edit a picture, it open the file manager when clicking on Browse , but then it is a blank popup named file manager , but it all blank no options ,

    any advice?

    31.05.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That is another problem?

    Is that an update from an older version? If so please refresh the page or empty your cache. Also make sure permissions are set for the _files folder.

    31.05.2016 0
  • avatar 1stbuy

    Hi, yes I did the update and after that it stopped working.

    I did the cache and files folder is set to 755 buy still nothing. Same blank screen.

    31.05.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Good Morning,

    depending on your server setup uou might have to set your files folder to 777. You did empty your browser cache?

    01.06.2016 0
  • avatar 1stbuy

    Hi Jerome,

    i did changed to 777 _files , clearede cache, still nothing, would you mind to have a look? i did sent you the login and ftp details in a prev. form.


    01.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    We delete access information, please send it again:

    01.06.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you very much.

    File and Image manager work, we have uploaded the old config file for the image manager, don't know why your server does not like the new one because we don't have access to your error logs.

    We will keep in eye on it.

    01.06.2016 0
  • avatar Maria

    Fixed also in the future releases.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    06.06.2016 0