HelpDesk 27.04.2016 2755 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes goldstrikn
Hi team,
I have one of the strangest bug I come accross your software. Before I tell you the issue, I just want to let you know that HelpDesk is a great support ticket system, very intuitive and practical at the same time.
The bug I came accross was, in the Ticket section of the Settings. I changed, the "Guests can use email to ticket?" to Yes, for I originally had it to "NO", the bug appeared in that it kep creating blank tickets. I noticed that those that were created had the subject as Email Piping and body text: "ticket/Answer from support@ has not been created."
It created a ticket every 2 minutes, this is very strange, since it doesn't have a cron function. So, I don't know how that came about. It was very frustrating, so I had to resort to install a backup (only the db backup), and that seemed to fix the issue. For your information I'm using helpdesk 1.5 and use original pipe.php file (unmodified).
Please let me know if you can replicate this and/or what to look for in your pipe.php file to tackle.
Ca you kindly remove the email address I placed in the ticket for me? I forgot to do that prior to submitting this ticket.
Thank you for opening a support ticket.
Are you also using the latest pipe.php (from 1.5.1)? What does the email say that are insert into the db every 2 minutes. If that is a system email from the mail server then we can't do anything about it. You will need to ask your host how to make your email account which you are using for piping silent.
Awaiting your answer.
How is the status of your piping issue?
Hi Jerome,
It is working, but that was due to my db backup. I uploaed it and it shows that it is working. But the emails are generated from the script. It is a very odd bug. I'm afraid to recreate it because I can't put down my support sytem. I don't know how else you can look into it and solve it. I just hope it doesn't happen again.
Ok, if it happens again please let us know with more details.
*** Ticket closed ***