Support Tickets - file structure upload

file structure upload

Live Chat 14.04.2016 2699 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes Nina

We have uploaded the files in the subfolder "livechat".

To go to the operator panel, we cannot get anything using your structure

but we have to go to

We added the button embed code in the bodytag, added a user, but nothing appears on the homepage of

does this have to do with the file structure?

Apart from adding the embed code in the body is there anything else that needs to be done?

Thank you

Replies (13)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a support ticket with us.

    When you upload the live chat you should have created a sub folder (livechat) and upload the content from the upload folder into the livechat folder.

    In your include/db.php file you need to set the domain only under full site domain, more information can be found here:

    The button embed code should be placed right before the closing body tag and the correct options has to be chosen within the button wizard:

    Awaiting your response.

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Nina


    thank you for your answer.

    I think we did all of the above

    • subfolder is created: & content is uploaded inside the livechat folder
    • include/db.php points towards
    • button is placed before closing </body> tag

    What are we missing?

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You have chosen the slide out button on the left window side, but with an image (speech bubble) that won't work with this.

    The image for the button would be something like this:

    slide out button

    At the moment it is there but not visible because of the wrong image.

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Nina

    Ok, I just tried to use this embed... i equally cannot see it.

    How do we know what will work and what wont work?

    <!-- live chat business button --><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="jakweb_chat" style="width:40px;height:100px;overflow:hidden;position:fixed;top:200px;left:0px;"><img src="/livechat/index.php?p=b&amp;i=colour&amp;lang=en&amp;dep=0&amp;opid=1" width="150" height="107" alt="img" id="jrc_slide_button_img" style="position:absolute;left: -260px;" /></a><div class="jrc_chatbox cb_default" id="jrc_chat_window"><div class="header header_bg_default"><p class="jrc_chat_title">Live Chat Business</p><a href="javascript:;" class="popup_chatbox">&#9776;</a><a href="javascript:;" class="minimize_chatbox" title="minimize chat window">_</a><a href="javascript:;" class="maximize_chatbox" title="maximize chat window">+</a></div><div id="jrc_main_area" class="main-area"></div></div><script src="/livechat/js/slide_up.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">ls.main_url="/livechat/";jrc_css="slide_up_left";jrc_slide_button=true;jrc_lang="en";ls.opid=1;</script><script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(".jakweb_chat").hover(function(){jQuery(this).css("width", 300);jQuery("img", this).stop().animate({left:"-1px"},{queue:false,duration:250});}, function(){jQuery("img", this).stop().animate({left:"-260px"},{queue:false,duration:800,complete:function(){jQuery(".jakweb_chat").css("width",40);}});});});</script><a class="jrc_chatlink" href="/livechat/index.php?p=start&amp;lang=en&amp;slide=2&amp;dep=0&amp;opid=1" target="_blank"><div class="header header_bg_default"><p class="jrc_chat_title">Live Chat Business</p></div></a><div id="proactivePopUp"></div><!--[if lt IE 10]><script type="text/javascript">ie10rLower = true;</script><![endif]--><!-- end live chat business button -->

    more text...

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Let me ask differently, what do you like to achieve?

    Because on your website I still see the old code.

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Nina

    the speechbubble in orange shades. that's the only request.

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Now I'm lost.

    Speechbubble where? Inside the chat?

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Nina


    if you are lost it means I am not getting it.

    I assumed we have to upload a button to "activate" the live chat. And seeing the speechbubble is listed I assumed its an option

    Maybe just tell me what code to use, consider this a "no request" thing. I just want the chat working

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Well you nee to create the correct code within the Button wizard.

    Maybe start with a simple one to understand how it works.

    If you want the speech bubble as a button / slide up code you need to select following:

    1. The first three on the button wizard should be clear.
    2. Choose a style -> Slide up / Buttons (2nd Option)
    3. Domain -> Same Domain (1st Option)
    4. jQuery
    5. Stylesheet -> Slide Up Right (1st Option)
    6. The last you have a few options to choose but for the speech bubble do not select Slide Button. However you can select floating button.

    Hope that helps.

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    If that still does not work, please send me ftp and operator login details via following form:

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Placed the button into your index.html page.

    This is the code I used:

    <!-- live chat business button --><a href="javascript:void(0)" style="position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:50px;z-index:9999;"><img src="/livechat/index.php?p=b&amp;i=colour&amp;lang=en" width="150" height="107" alt="img" id="jrc_slide_button_img" /></a><div class="jrc_chatbox cb_default" id="jrc_chat_window"><div class="header header_bg_default"><p class="jrc_chat_title">Live Chat Business</p><a href="javascript:;" class="popup_chatbox">&#9776;</a><a href="javascript:;" class="minimize_chatbox" title="minimize chat window">_</a><a href="javascript:;" class="maximize_chatbox" title="maximize chat window">+</a></div><div id="jrc_main_area" class="main-area"></div></div><script src="/livechat/js/slide_up.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">ls.main_url="/livechat/";jrc_slide_button=true;jrc_lang="en";</script><a class="jrc_chatlink" href="/livechat/index.php?p=start&amp;lang=en&amp;slide=2" target="_blank"><div class="header header_bg_default"><p class="jrc_chat_title">Live Chat Business</p></div></a><div id="proactivePopUp"></div><!--[if lt IE 10]><script type="text/javascript">ie10rLower = true;</script><![endif]--><!-- end live chat business button -->

    I have changed the positions slightly and the I have added a z-index to make it appear in front of the slider.


    Anything else is at it came from the operator panel.

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Nina

    Thank you Jerome!!!

    14.04.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    No problem.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    14.04.2016 0