Support Tickets - Add button on other websites

Add button on other websites

HelpDesk 11.04.2016 2448 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes ciripi


I would like to add chat feature on other domains / websites

Is this possibile ?


Replies (5)

  • avatar Maria

    Yes, sure. Cross Browser is fully integrated within HelpDesk.

    Please read following FAQ article about the button embed code:

    You will need to check the Cross Domain option when creating the embed code.

    11.04.2016 0
  • avatar ciripi


    can i import tickets from mailbox ?

    11.04.2016 0
  • avatar ciripi

    what is the url of the embed ? .support/operator/index.php?p=style

    11.04.2016 0
    • avatar ciripi

      oki found it

      11.04.2016 0
  • avatar ciripi

    Great support thank you !!

    11.04.2016 0