Support Tickets - Disable Breadcrumbs

Disable Breadcrumbs

CMS 05.04.2016 2511 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes gaurav


I do not want breadcrumbs on my site. Is there any way I can disble breadcrumbs because I am unable to find such setting under page/cateogry and general options.


Manisha Sharma

Replies (1)

  • avatar Jerome

    You will need to edit the template file: template/mosaic/header.php and remove:

    <ol class="breadcrumb pull-right hidden-xs">
    <li><a href="<?php echo BASE_URL;?>"><?php foreach($jakcategories as $ca) if ($ca['catorder'] == 1 && $ca['showmenu'] == 1 && $ca['showfooter'] == 0) { echo $ca["name"];}?></a></li>
    <?php if ($JAK_TPL_PLUG_T && !empty($page1)) { ?>
    <li><a href="<?php echo $JAK_TPL_PLUG_URL;?>"><?php echo $JAK_TPL_PLUG_T;?></a></li>
    <?php } ?>
    <li class="active"><?php if ($page == "edit-profile") { echo sprintf($tl["login"]["l15"], $jakuser->getVar("username")); } else { echo $PAGE_TITLE;}?></li>

    If you have installed CMS 2.1 fresh with the Mosaic option you will also need to edit the entries in the below_header section.

    05.04.2016 0