Support Tickets - 2 different login pages

2 different login pages

HelpDesk 29.03.2016 2703 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes johannez


I'm integrating your script (great script BTW) In my script I have a support activation script through the API. The ones that activate the script I would like to redirect (by button and link in the welcome email) to a different login -for example- login2.php. This login redirects to the change password change page. (This is mainly because I plan not have a change password link in the user area.

The "normal" login will do what it's doing now without any changes.

This should be possible I guess by having two logins with two different redirects after login.

You would do me a favour if you helped me on my way.

Thanks & cheers


Replies (8)

  • avatar Maria

    Hi Johannes,

    Thank you for opening a support ticket.

    As you might understand we can't give free support for custom modifications. However we do offer a custom modification service which is 50 USD / Hour.

    The only hint I can give you is to check the home.php file from line 163 that will handle the client login and redirections. The code is commented and easy to understand.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    29.03.2016 0
  • avatar johannez

    Hi Maria,

    Thank you! I will have a look at it first and if I can't find out it might be that I need your custom modification service.



    29.03.2016 0
  • avatar johannez

    Hi again,

    I made an alternative way to go around the problem. As the helpdesk is only used for support of one script I send the customer after registration through the API direct to the reset password page with a prefilled email address and changed the text of the reset password page and as well the welcome email text.

    Now I have one question: Is it possible to make a shared login. Either as custom work or hint so I can do it myself.



    29.03.2016 0
  • avatar Maria

    How difficult it is to create a shared logins depends on how both softwares are installed. The easiest way would be in the same database with different prefixes, then the second question is how your software does encrypt the password for the user, we use a custom password hash and 256 bit encryption.

    As a customer you can download our HelpDesk to WordPress bridge and check how we solved this problem.

    Should you need custom modifications please let us know, for the WordPress bridge plugin we used about 8 hours, but maybe your script is simpler so we would need less hours.

    29.03.2016 0
  • avatar johannez

    Hi Maria,


    I will have a look ar both scripts and the bridge I've downloaded.

    It will take some days but I will get back on the issue.

    I would prefer that:

    In the meantime couldn't I pay you for one hour so you can have a look at the (installed ) scripts and can give me a quote how they can be integrated (shared login)



    30.03.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Hi Johannes,

    Maria will be back tomorrow, you can send all the details via following form:

    We will have a look into it.

    Thank you very much


    30.03.2016 0
  • avatar johannez

    Hi Jerome,

    Thanks! I already worked a lot on the two scripts that have to be integrated witk a share login. I created some workarounds and thesework fine but still have two different logins.

    The problem is that it would be impossible for you to find your way in the customized scrips because it's all in Dutch.

    Is it possible to install your script in a test environment without license problems?

    If yes I will install bot scripts clean and have you look at it and give me a quote on what it will cost to make the shared login.



    30.03.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Sure, the license always include a live and test installation.

    30.03.2016 0