Support Tickets - Livechat v 1.3 doesn't work

Livechat v 1.3 doesn't work

Live Chat 29.10.2015 3785 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes w00t


I've tested the new chat, version 1.3, administrators chat works brilliantly, but... now isn't working functionality of the main chat. When the people try to send the messages nothing happens, the operators sees no any alerts or sound, also they can't see the customers in the dashboard and customers can't send a message.

I've tried it on server with PHP 5.6.13 and 5.5.30 based on Debian and PHP 5.5.30 on Windows, clean install.

Replies (10)

  • avatar Jerome

    Please update to 1.3.1 with the internal auto updater.

    We did not have any problems with 1.3 and we are quite busy in our chat.

    29.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Finally, I found a problem! The cause malfunction of the chat was a reverse proxy server nginx. If it will be useful for you, you can insert information about potential issues with nginx in the FAQ.

    p.s. But nevertheless, I found a bug of definition MySQL version.

    It is unfortunate that the Ticket System does not support the file upload.

    30.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    HelpDesk does have file upload feature included.

    What bug in MySQL? And reverse proxy is not something standard in a server installation so therefore it is hard for us to test all custom modifications. Thank you for the hint anyway.

    Best regards

    30.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    I wanted upload a screenshot, but unfortunately to do that, I just not found this feature. If describe in a few words, version of MySQL determined incorrectly.

    31.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Ok, strange issue.

    We have just released version 1.3.3, you can update through your operator panel - maintenance or download the package in our download area.

    We have disabled file uploads here, you can use any third party file sharer and post the link.

    31.10.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Thanks. Actually, would be really great if the updates are included full and diff versions, how it's implemented, for example, in CMSMS. Because, I've changed admin color theme and made some corrections in few files, thus automatically replace all of the files isn't best solution for me.

    01.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Yes, but it is the best solution for most people. The auto updater will show you which files have been replaced therefore it is the same as The CMS.

    01.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Can this ticket be closed?

    Kind regards

    05.11.2015 0
  • avatar w00t

    Yes. Now chat works perfectly.

    05.11.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you very much for the feedback.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    05.11.2015 0