Customers didn't see online operators
HelpDesk 18.03.2016 2478 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes kalhoang
After upgrade to version 1.4. Our customers cannot use Live Chat anymore. I test it myself and it didn't work at all. Please help me to fix it. Thanks
Thank you for opening a support ticket.
We have run various tests with all sorts of scenarious and the chat works fine, we also have no reports of a not working chat.
Can you please provide more information so we can fix the issue you have asap.
We have also released the version 1.4.1 via Auto Updater yesterday, please update and check if that fixes the issue you have.
Best regards
I tried 1.4.1 and still not works. Then I roll back to old version and it works like a charm.
I guess there something wrong in function online_operators which you made many changes in it. I'll digging more when I have time. Hope I can find the bug and let you know.
It is not your job to find the issue. :)
Please empty your browser cache after an update even though it is not necessary.
Just like to ask if everything is OK?
Yeah! It works now. Just need to clear folder cache.
Thanks for your support
Thank you for the feedback.
*** Ticket closed ***