Support Tickets - Functionality mismatch from demo

Functionality mismatch from demo

CMS 11.03.2016 2674 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes gaurav


In your demo

screenshot removed

And what i got is

screenshot removed

Please have a look at the left bar menus

I am wondering if i did any mistake. I havent get what i have seen in the admin panel demo.


Replies (5)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a support ticket.

    You are not logged in as a super administrator. Please check here how to set permissions:

    To do that you need to login with the user you have installed the CMS or change the USERID in the include/db.php file to the one you use to login.

    11.03.2016 0
  • avatar gaurav


    I am logged in with the user i filled while installing the cms.

    You could check the same

    screenshot removed

    See in the databse users table i have only 1 user that i have created while installation

    and also in the db.php already JAK_SUPERADMIN is 1

    Please check at the admin panel

    information removed


    11.03.2016 0
  • avatar gaurav


    But i got it myself i have nt installed the plugins

    11.03.2016 0
  • avatar gaurav

    but i want to know how could i add pages to menu and how could i create megamenu there.


    11.03.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please check the FAQ we have covered that already:

    We have also a great search in our FAQ area which will help you to find most of your answers. With over 70 articles about CMS you should come quite far:

    Of course if you have any questions that is not covered feel free to create a support ticket anytime.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    11.03.2016 0