Support Tickets - News Postings

News Postings

HelpDesk 08.03.2016 2847 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes pharill

Hello, I have created 6 News Postings by admin and allowed clients to see, yet only "3" show to the client?? is that on purpose? if so, can it be changed?

Replies (34)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a support ticket.

    That is correct it will always show the 3 latest News, if you like to change that you need to open following file home.php and find:

    $resultcdn = $jakdb->query('SELECT id, title, content FROM '.DB_PREFIX.'cdnews WHERE active = 1 AND operators = 0'.$sql.' ORDER BY dorder ASC LIMIT 3');

    Replace LIMIT 3 with LIMIT 6 for example.

    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar pharill

    Cool. Worked.

    But is this (home.php) the same place I would go if I wanted to add some text above or below the user's "Your Information" section? where would I go to edit that place?

    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar pharill

    Never mind, I found it. Sorry. it was template/main/dashboard.php

    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar pharill

    Hey, I've noticed a couple times, when I am testing chat, that when I am online, then all of a sudden I refresh the dash board or leave and come back to dashboard and it says chat is offline? why is this automatically happening, i'd rather it be on my schedule the whole time until my schedule ends or i turn it off?

    08.03.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      When you loose internet connection for more then 30 seconds the system thinks you are offline.

      That check is necessary otherwise customers will come online but there is no operator.

      Which browser do you use?

      Another alternative is to use the schedule with email notification.

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar pharill

      THe latest firefox browser

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      Hard to tell, unreliable internet connection, wifi or server stops responding.

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar pharill

      Where can I find this "schedule with email notification" setting you refer to?

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      You will find it in each operators profile.

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar pharill

      Oh, you mean that Twilo Service stuff? Is that something I have to pay for?

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      If you use SMS, yes but you can also use email notifications (free).

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar pharill

      So this is how it shows to me:

      as you can see i have YES for emails, I do not even see SMS option, so email option is what is selected, as well as times and, what does this do?

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      Please read:

      We have a lot of great FAQ articles.

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar pharill

      No offense, but this article says nothing about email and doesnt even appear to be the same as my backend. I understand business, just like you, as I've been on the web since 1996 and sometimes...instead of panning your customers off to an article, it's best to just answer the question that has been asked. Could actually & possibly even save time. As you see, I had to reply right back, because that article is useless in response to my question of, "what does Send email on new client do?"

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      For example you like to be online on Monday from 8am till 2pm you set the time and check the box Monday, also set email notifications to YES.

      Now you can leave the HelpDesk as it is, you don't need to login or do anything in the back end. The system will show you as online, client can connect via Chat, when they do you will receive an email immediately. You can also set up the system to send you a text message on your mobile phone, but that will coast you 1c per message in the US.

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar pharill

      Great! Very professional and detailed response. See, "that" helped me understand. So the the system is not emailing me when someone simply visits, the site, the user has to engage with the chat and enter it, then I am suppose to get an email?

      Also, if I am not going to use the SMS/Twillo feature, there is no need to enter a phone number right?

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      Both correct.

      08.03.2016 0
  • avatar pharill

    also, aren't these suppose to do something:

    08.03.2016 0
    • avatar pharill

      You'll also notice in that video, that even though I have 6 news posts, and they show up for the client, they no longer show there in the dashboard for admin? any clue why?

      08.03.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    News show either for clients or operators.

    I will run some tests on the invitation button and get back to you asap.

    08.03.2016 0
    • avatar pharill

      so it does not show to BOTH clients and operators, only one of the groups...that's what you're saying right

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      News will be shown to Operator or to the client not to both.

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar pharill

      Got it. Now I know. Thanks so much

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar pharill

      Also, just so I know and I don't mean to be a pest or problem. Do you prefer I post my multiple questions in one ticket like I did here, or would you have preferred I open individual ticker for each topic?

      08.03.2016 0
    • avatar Jerome

      It would be easier to post one ticket for each problem, thank you very much.

      08.03.2016 0
  • avatar pharill

    Ok, thanks

    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar pharill

    Thanks. I will do that from now on. Thanks again Jerome

    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar pharill

    let me know if you figure out other issue I showed

    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Yes, that is fixed. You can download the latest package and replace following file:

    • operator/js/page.ajax.js

    Thank you for the report.

    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar pharill

    Cool, thanks

    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar pharill

    Hmmm...I downloaded help_desk1.4 and uploaded operator/js/page.ajax.js which showed up at 5.66KB and still when I click on annoucement horn icon, I just get the javascript void in bottom left :(

    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please emtpy your browser cache and try again. You can also refresh the page a couple of times to load the new javascript file.

    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar pharill


    08.03.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you very much for the feedback.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    08.03.2016 0