Hi, I am wondering what this area is at the bottom, these two boxes did not show until I started working with the faqs:
image has been removed, question about web projects selection.
Is there content that is suppose to populate below these or something?
Now we also have this silly cookie message. We do not have any advertising on our site and we only store cookies for making the site work and for a good browsing experience.
We use cookies, just to track visits to our website, we store no personal details.
Read more in our pricacy agreement.
Thank you for opening a support ticket.
This are your Web Projects (Main Categories). If you have more then one web project your clients need to change them if they visit your main support area.
When you embed the live chat, support or faq you can select which one you like to display on your website the main support area needs a selection of all your web projects.
I see now. It selects which the user will gain access to. But when I had just "one" web project, they did not show, because there was no need, until i created another web project. Thanks again.
*** Ticket closed ***