Support Tickets - User manual please!

User manual please!

CMS 19.10.2015 2963 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes zapito

I have no coding knowledge and need too much help because there is no user manual of the software, how to use each of the plugins and modifications. Example, I dont know how to set the blog as the home page.  When go to the site without login, there is nothing until I login. I post some examples blog articles and they show only if I am logged in.

Replies (6)

  • avatar Jerome

    The whole system is based on the same procedure, if you understand how categories and pages work you will understand how blog, gallery, faq, online shop and so on works.

    I'm happy to help you out if you stuck somewhere.

    With your current problem you already solved it with the administration user-group, but there is also a guest, member, banned, moderator and custom user-groups. You need to set permission for each user-group, not just for the administrator.

    For example if you like your blog post to be public, you need to edit the guest user-group. Set access to blog and all guest will see your blog articles.

    You can set any page or plugin to home, just go to Manage - Categories and drag/drop the blog to the top, it will save automatically (green flashing).

    You don't need coding skills to manage CMS, you can do much more of course but that is with any CMS the same.

    19.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    We have a lot of FAQ article which explain most crucial parts, even with videos for easier understanding.

    You can use the search on the right hand side to find the articles you need, in case there is nothing please ask.

    19.10.2015 0
  • avatar zapito

    Good. Thanks again for the support. I am already learning to use it! I found that the guest user dont see the changes of the translated words. The blog articles show date even though I click on the not to show date.

    19.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    The show date feature in blog is a bug and will be fixed within the next release.

    Translated words?

    20.10.2015 0
  • avatar zapito

    Thanks for answer.

    Translated words? second time I changed. now they show right. But there are some other words that there is no option to translate. at the right side bar reads: "Blog categories" there is no option to translate this. At the same right side bar top reads: "Tags" there is no option to change this. At the footer at the left side reads: "Navigate" I have change that to "Enlaces" but only read Enlaces when Im logged in as administrator.

    21.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    There are language files in the software that might need translation for your purpose.


    and so on...

    If the your system is on Español, you might have to add the language for some plugins.

    For example:

    plugins/blog/lang/en.ini, duplicate and call it plugins/blog/lang/es.ini

    Translate the file es.ini and you categories will show in Spanish.

    We are working hard to translate everything in as many languages as possible, but our main priority is the system and english language itself, thank you for your understanding.

    21.10.2015 0