Live Chat 29.01.2016 2860 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes mulhergorila
Hi, I can not keep the green Online button.
And I'm not able to create a new operator. (DB ERROR)
DB ErrorMessage:MySQL Query fail: INSERT INTO co_user SET departments = "1", username = "roberta", name = "Roberta", email = "", responses = "1", tw_days = "", tw_time_from = "0:0:00", tw_time_to = "0:0:00", phonenumber = "", dnotify = "1", files = "1", operatorchat = "1", operatorchatpublic = "1", operatorlist = "1", useronlinelist = "", chat_latency = "3000", sound = "1", ringing = "3", emailnot = "0", language = "", invitationmsg = "", access = "1", permissions = "ochat",password = "82b473f7eb4c1a42ff8f56266f2c530d4fb4689a078b2e0c1d3a69da5dfa1420", time = NOW()MySQL Error:Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'useronlinelist' at row 1Date:Friday, January 29, 2016 at 1:30:07 PM
Thank you very much for your ticket.
We have found the bug and here is a quick fix, please open operator/template/newuser.php and find:
replace with:
or download the package again from our download area and replace the file mentioned above.
Thank you again for the report.
Thank you again.
Works fine.
You can close ticket
Thank you very much for the feedback.
*** Ticket closed ***