Support Tickets - Add user to post on blog

Add user to post on blog

CMS 18.10.2015 3164 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes zapito

I have another question. Firs of all thank you for the support.

How can I add a user that can post articles on blog and only can do that, nothing else?

Replies (6)

  • avatar Jerome

    Please check following FAQ article:

    18.10.2015 0
  • avatar zapito

    I think it is not clear for me and really don`t understand that article, could you please just tell me the things to do to add a user who can post new articles but does not have acces to nothing else?

    Thank you again.

    20.10.2015 0
  • avatar zapito

    I figure it out, it is by the user number, but it give the user acces to all the plugin and I want to give acces only to post new blog articles and nothing else, is it posible?

    20.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You need to add the userid only for the blog plugin and for nothing else.

    For example:


    The user also needs to be in the administrator user-group.

    20.10.2015 0
  • avatar zapito

    Yes I know now, but the user has rights to do changes on posts, delete posts, change the configuration and everything I can do whit that plugin and that is that I dont want the user can do, only to post articles and before they can publish the superuser (me) can revise them. Im talking about the blog plugin.

    I hope you undestand!

    21.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    That is correct, he will have access to the blog area, at this moment it is not possible to only allow writing articles and nothing else.

    We have noted your request and will add the feature in a future release.

    21.10.2015 0