Support Tickets - HelpDesk Live chat button

HelpDesk Live chat button

HelpDesk 20.01.2016 3025 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes vivaweb

How to add the button "Live chat business button" like on your demonstration site at the bottom right ?

Replies (5)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a support ticket.

    Please choose Slide Up when creating the code.

    20.01.2016 0
  • avatar vivaweb

    i have respect ur installation step, i see the button and i can open it, but the chat is loading for "eternity" and never start, u can see that at here : can u tell me how fix it please ?

    20.01.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    I receive a internal 500 error, are all the folder and file permissions correct. This is very important or it won't work.

    Please also make sure your FULL_SITE_DOMAIN is set correctly.

    20.01.2016 0
  • avatar vivaweb

    Sorry, my bad, i have put the bad index.php in support folder... now its works, thanks u for the fast support. Solved.

    20.01.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you very much for your feedback.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    20.01.2016 0