Support Tickets - Auto ProActive question

Auto ProActive question

Live Chat 19.01.2016 2827 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes panograph

Hi Jerome,

last night I configured Live Chat and it is really a great script. Congrats!
The site is here: url removed

I configured Auto ProActive for 15 sec, 3 pages with an URL and a msg and started to test in another browser on the same machine, but did not received the alert.

LC is configured with slide up w/o an image. Could it be the issue, pls?

On the FQ page I saw this statement "... you just need to enter a url from your site where Rhino Business Button is available...", but I do not really understand it.

What's that "Rhino Business Button", pls?



Replies (13)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a support ticket.

    The Rhino word is from our old platform, the text has been changed now. Thank you.

    The AutoProactive feature works only if the url is set correctly, means if you have:

    But the client browser only interprets:

    it wont fire.

    15 seconds means the client has to be on that page for at least 15 seconds before the proactive fires and he has to visit 3 pages before that.

    19.01.2016 0
  • avatar panograph

    Thanks for the reply.

    So I do not need to use any buttons, graphic files, right?

    And the page I set as a New Auto ProActive URL is the page that the visitor needs to stay on to trigger the alert?

    Thanks again

    19.01.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Of course the live chat embed code needs to be present on this page.

    The url you set will trigger the AutoProactive, yes.

    19.01.2016 0
  • avatar panograph

    Thanks for the reply. Now I got it, but still not certain about the button image.

    Do I need to include the button, the image in order to have it triggerd, pls?

    20.01.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You need to insert the exact code and stylesheet the system provides when you create the button.

    20.01.2016 0
  • avatar panograph

    Sorry, probably I was not clear with my question.

    To be more specific about the button: does Auto Proactive trigger without the "chat_now.png" or "yourname_on and yourname_off" button?
    In my current configuration I do not have the Online Button and Offline Button.

    21.01.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Yes, that will work, important is the slide_up.js and the stylesheet file (which you should copy right before the closing head tag) which is included in your site. The online button is only for style purposes.

    21.01.2016 0
  • avatar panograph

    so both the .js and .css file is need in the header, like this?

    <link href="/livechat/css/slide_up.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="/livechat/js/slide_up.js" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    and no images required in order to trigger the Auto Proactive function?

    Thanks in advance.

    21.01.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    No don't split the code, please.

    The stylesheet goes right before the closing head tag and the rest just before the closing body tag.

    21.01.2016 0
  • avatar panograph

    hmm, not sure I got it

    still no clear guidance on Online Button and Offline Button or an of the image files like "chat_now.png"...

    21.01.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You don't need an offline/online button it will work fine with the slide up code, you also don't need the chat_now.png button that is just for a better look. When you create the button code through the button wizard you have various options to choose as long you not select the No ProActive checkbox the proactive feature will work.

    21.01.2016 0
  • avatar panograph

    Many thanks for the explanation. Now I got it.

    22.01.2016 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for your feedback.

    *** Ticket closed ***

    22.01.2016 0