Support Tickets - User manual for CMS

User manual for CMS

CMS 18.10.2015 3068 Support Status: Closed Solution: Yes zapito

Because I saw the 3 videos that you post on youtube and non of they worked for me. If you want to try on my site please tell me and I tell you the credentials.

Replies (8)

  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for opening a support ticket.

    The CMS is installed on a domain or subdomain and you cannot install a plugin, create a page or use the style manager?

    18.10.2015 0
  • avatar zapito

    I have tryed both, on a domain and it dont work, then I´m trying nw on a subdomain and is the same. Yes I have installed plugins Blog, Gallery, Register. Yes I can use the style manager

    18.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Thank you for the feedback, what excactly does not work? Please be more precise so I can help you quicker.

    18.10.2015 0
  • avatar zapito

    *** Removed link ***

    18.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    You are missing the .htaccess file in the CMS root.

    When you download the latest version here or on CodeCanyon you will have a folder called htaccess you need to copy the file into the root or follow the FAQ article above.

    If you like to use long url's in your CMS then you have to set the:

    // Apache or Not
    define('JAK_USE_APACHE', 0); // Use 1 for Apache or 0 for all others

    to 0 in your include/db.php file.

    18.10.2015 0
  • avatar zapito

    Thank you very much. Im testing in a subdomain as you know, and it works but I have to write in the link the subdomain after the domain to work well.

    18.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    Please open your include/db.php and insert the correct url.

    18.10.2015 0
  • avatar Jerome

    *** Ticket closed ***

    19.10.2015 0